Chapter Twenty Nine

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*Chase's POV*

It's been three weeks since the Atlanta race; three weeks since I had seen Hunter. I could not handle not seeing her for any longer. I needed to be with her. I had to find a way to make it happen, and I wanted it to be special. I had a plan; I just needed help executing it. So I picked up the phone and dialed the number Ryan had just given me.

The dial tones sounded, and the phone rang a few times. I heard the phone pick up..."Hello?"

"Hey," I said. "Can you help me with something."

"Yeah, sure," they answered. "What do you need?"

"Okay, so I want to do something special for Hunter," I replied. "I have a plan, but I need help with it. That's where you come in."

"Yas! Okay, what do you have planned so far?" Emily inquired enthusiastically.

"Alright. So Thursday morning..." I began telling Emily my plan.

*Hunter's POV*

Thursday morning, I rolled over and hit snooze on my alarm clock. I stumbled out of bed and checked my phone. It had been three whole weeks of torment since I had seen Chase, but the good morning text Chase sent me every morning was my main reason for waking up early every day. But today's text was different. I had to rub my eyes and do a double take when I saw the text on my screen.

Chase 💙🙊: Good morning beautiful baby girl! I have a surprise for you but you have to go to your classes first. I know you have history, engineering, and calculus today so you should be done around 1:30. Meet Emily at Toomers Corner at 2:30 to get your surprise. xoxo

I instantly started freaking out because I can never wait for surprises. I ran into Emily's room and jumped onto her bed. "Emyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!" I practically screamed.

She jumped out of her deep sleep and started screaming. "AAAAAAAAH WHAT THE HECK, HUNTER?!?" she screamed. She calmed down a little then asked, "What's so important that you come in here and wake me up? I was having a dream about Ryan!!"

"I''m sorry, Emily, but I got this text from Chase," I replied and practically shoved my phone in her face.

She read the text then looked up at me. "I'm not telling you anything."

"What? Why? You have to tell me!" I demanded.

"I don't, and I won't," she replied.

"Fine!" I surrendered.

"You'll have to wait until after class to get your surprise," she said.

"Whatever, but how am I supposed to focus on school?" I asked.

"You won't," Emily replied bluntly then started smiling, and we both giggled.

I got up and got dressed in dark wash skinny jeans, a see through, white button up shirt with a tank top, and my cowboy boots. I let my hair hang down on my shoulders and put on my usual amount of makeup. I grabbed my book bag when I was done, told Emily goodbye, and went to my first class. History.

I sat through my history class, staring at the clock, then at the teacher, then back at the clock. I played with my pencil, tapping it against my book or twirling it in my fingers. Class finally ended, and I gathered my stuff and rushed out of the classroom and hurried to my next class.

When engineering class was finished, I went to get lunch from Toomer's Drug Store. I decided to text Chase while I ate and attempt to find clues about the "surprise".

Me: Hey babe 😘

Chase 💙🙊: Did you get my text this morning 😏


Chase 💙🙊: no

Me: 😯 ok...give me a clue then...

Chase 💙🙊: No baby girl. Just gotta wait and see. The suspense it's half the fun.

Me: hah it is for you not for me

Chase 💙🙊: hehe well...who am I kidding I can't argue that lol the suspense is mostly for my pleasure so I can watch you beg for clues 😏😈

Me: meanie 😒😆

Chase 💙🙊: oopsy 🙈

Me: Stop being cute!

Chase 💙🙊: why?

Me: I can't stay mad that you won't give me clues when you act cute!

Chase 💙🙊: Baby girl you know I can't help that I was born King Cutie 💁

Me: *rolls eyes* whatever I gotta get to class tho babe I'll ttyl. It's my last class then I can go get my surprise 😈

Chase 💙🙊: Then you better get to class 😏

Me: On my way now. Goodbye Meanie. 😗

Chase 💙🙈: Oh now that's just cold. You gave me the open eyed kiss. Didn't even send the one with the blushy face. Smh 😐

Me: 😚 there. You happy now babe 😏

Chase 💙🙊: Yes yes I am. 😘

Me: At class. Ttyl xoxo

Chase 💙🙊: Can't wait. Xoxo

I bounced my leg and squirmed in my seat all the way through my calculus class, trying to take notes but failing at focusing. When that class was finally over, I went back to the apartment Emily and I shared and put my book bag and laptop away. I texted Chase again after class and we had been talking since I had stepped out the door of the classroom.

I freshened up my makeup to waste some time then headed out the door at 2:15 and headed back to Toomer's Corner in the center of Auburn. I waited there for about five minutes just taking in all the beauty of Auburn, Alabama. Then I saw Emily crossing the road, coming to meet me.

I ran up to her when she reached my side of the road and said, "Emily, OMG. You have to give me my surprise like right now before I die. I need to know what Chase got me."

"Calm down, Hunter, dang," she laughed. "The surprise isn't here; follow me."

She grabbed my hand and we began walking briskly toward the stadium. We started chatting rapidly about what Chase could have gotten me and stuff like that. I was so excited that my heart was pounding extremely fast. We was about to be at the stadium when Emily stopped me.

"Turn around," she demanded/laughed.

"Um...okay?" I replied as I turned around. My vision went black as Emily put a blindfold on me. "Emily what in God's name are you doing?"

"You don't need to see you're surprise yet, so just hold my hand, and I'll guide you to it, okay?" she replied.


She led me forward slowly, guiding me towards my surprise. After what felt like forever, we stopped and she took the blindfold off. However, when I looked in front of me expecting to see my surprise, I instead saw Emily. " did you get in front of me so quickly?" I inquired.

She pointed at something behind me, and when I turned around, my heart stopped when I saw my surprise.


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