Chapter Forty-Four

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Seven weeks after Chase's wreck

*Emily's POV* 

"Emily. Get up. Now. Pack your bags; you're coming with me to Homestead," Hunter barged into my room and demanded as she pulled back my curtains, blinding my eyes with the light from the early morning sun. 

It had been about seven weeks since Ryan and I broke up. I waited for Ryan to text me, call me, or show up at my door, but nothing happened. Instead, I stopped talking to Dylan. I realized Ryan was right. Dylan was coming between Ryan and I, and I could not let that happen. I wanted to be with Ryan more than anything. Dylan was being selfish and hurting me in order to get me. I also realized how deeply I had hurt Ryan, and I hated myself for it every day. But I could not do anything about it. I decided to give Ryan the space he asked for. It was driving me crazy. I wanted to be with him so bad, but I knew he did not want to be with me. He had probably moved on by now with some other girl. 

I poured all of my attention into my college courses. I had been making A's in every class, because I had been locking myself in my room, drowning my sorrows by forcing myself to focus on my studies. I had not even thought about talking to any other guys, nor did I want to. I wanted even less to see Ryan, which is what would happen if I went to Homestead with Hunter. 

"No way, Hunter. I am not going to Homestead and seeing Ryan again. Or worse seeing Ryan with another girl," I argued. 

"You can not just lay in bed or sit at a desk all of your life, pining over Ryan Blaney. Either do something about it or let him go. This is not healthy, Ems. And you can't let the fact that Blaney will be there keep you from living life and being with Chase and I and everyone else at the track who loves you," Hunter argued back. 

"Okay, first off, I am not pining," I replied. She raised her eyebrows as if to say "Yeah, right," and I defended myself. "I'm not! But what happened is my fault and I have to deal with those consequences." 

"Oooooor," Hunter began. "You could do something about it." 

"Like what?" I questioned sarcastically. 

"Well, you could start by talking to him. I don't know; maybe apologize? Tell him how you feel? That usually works. Now start packing. You're not sitting in this room all weekend while the Sprint Cup series champion is being named. You're coming to Homestead whether you like it or not," she said as she left the room.

I could not even begin to imagine how I would face Ryan, much less talk him about us. However, I knew I had no choice but to go. Hunter would drag me to Homestead if she had to. So I got out of bed and started packing my bags. 

Hunter popped her head into the room. "Oh, what are you wearing to the race?" 

"Which one?" I asked. 

"THE race," she replied. 

"Oh, I'm not sure." I had not really thought about what I was going to wear. I had no one to impress. 

"Wear that black dress with the really low cut neckline. Oh and wear the red wedges with the bows on the backs. It will be super cute. Show Ryan what he's missing," Hunter winked. 

I rolled my eyes and continued to pack my bag. I packed the dress only to make Hunter happy, but I could not ignore that little flutter in my stomach at the thought of seeing Ryan, and of him seeing me in that dress. Maybe this trip would be good for me. I smiled, but shook it off and tried to prepare myself for this weekend.


*Hunter's POV* 

After packing all of my makeup and clothes I would need for the weekend, plus a really cute outfit for the last night of the 2014 Sprint Cup Series season, and a little something special to wear for Chase, I was finally ready to head to Homestead. Emily had finished packing about an hour ago, and had been sitting in a chair staring blankly at her phone. She had seemed so empty ever since she and Ryan broke up. I really hoped this weekend at Homestead would do them some good. A love like their's was worth fighting for. 

Chase picked us up from the airport as usual, and I was so excited to see my man after five long weeks away from him. I was also excited to see Chase race, but I can not lie, I was even more excited for him to have a few months off from racing. He had not really taken enough to time to fully recover after his wreck, and during the months until the next race season, we could really spend some quality time together. 

"Final race of the season is here, girls," Chase said with the biggest grin on his face. "Can not believe I've made it this far."

"I'm just ready to see who is gonna win!" Emily exclaimed, seeing to be excited for the first time since I dragged her on this trip. 

"Come on, Chase, I'm eager to get to the track to see everybody! It's been ages," I said, leaning over to Chase. "And I have something in mind for you, too, Mister Elliott," I smirked. 

"Alright, Emily, stop looking around. We've got to go," Chase grabbed our bags and hastily made his way towards the exit. I laughed at Chase's excitement but hurried to catch him. 

"Not so fast there, Chief," I giggled. When I was by his side again, I put his hand in mine and squeezed it tightly. I would never get tired of that feeling.

After we unpacked our things at the track, we all headed out to see everyone. We caught up with Kevin and DeLana Harvick, and I played with baby Keelan. After that, we ate dinner with Dale Earnhardt and his girl friend Amy. We chatted about cooking and college and life, and of course about racing. After dinner, Emily went back to the RV, and Chase and I went for a ride on the golf cart. Chase headed out of the track towards the campgrounds. We rode in silence, just enjoying each other's company. Once inside the campgrounds, Chase was quickly recognized, and several fans ran up to say hi. I admired the way Chase stopped for the fans and talked to each one. He was so humble, and he knew that without his fans he would not be who he was. I smiled as I watched him with the children who begged him to sign their merchandise. I did not mind that they were taking our time together away from us. This is what he loved. 

After Chase was done with the fans, we headed for the top of a hill where no one was. Chase parked the golf cart. "Come on," he motioned for me to follow him out of the golf cart. He laid a blanket out on the ground, and patted the spot beside him as he sat down. We sat and talked for hours, my head on his shoulder, our hands entwined. As the stars came out, we laid down on the blanket and watched the night sky, still talking about any and everything. 

"I know Emily was terrified to see Ryan today. I'm glad we didn't run into him earlier, but we all know they'll have to see each other Sunday," I said sadly to Chase. 

"Yeah, I know. Ryan is scared to see her too, Hunter. He literally cries about her to me all the time. I've never seen him like this. It's so sad. We all know they still love each other, but both of them are too scared to make a move," Chase replied. 

"Well, we just have to get them to talk about this to each other. They both need to apologize."  

"You're right," Chase said as he kissed the top of my head. "Are you ready to head back?" he asked me. 

I smiled at the feeling of his lips on my hair, and replied, "I could stay out here with you forever."

Chase chuckled. "I could also, but you said something about having some plans for me earlier, and I'd like to get to them now," he grinned from ear to ear. 

"Just like a boy," I rolled my eyes at him. 

"Did you just roll your eyes at me?" his eyes sparkled with excitement.

"Maybe," I replied, dragging out the word. 

"Oh you are so on!" he lunged for me. I squealed as he picked me up off the ground and threw me over his shoulder, placing a cheeky slap on my butt before setting me down in the golf cart and driving me back to the RV.

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