Chapter Twenty Five

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Chase stopped the golf cart by a guard rail on the top of the hill behind the backstretch of the track. It was at the very edge of the RV lot where nobody was around. We got out, and he led me to the guard rail. "Woah," I whispered. The view was absolutely gorgeous. The track was huge, and the people looked so small. Everything was quiet, and it was one of the most beautiful and peaceful things I had ever seen.

"Beautiful, huh?" Chase said.

"Yeah, most beautiful thing I've seen in a while," I replied.

"Come with me," he said, grabbing my hand.

I followed him, and he helped guide me over the rail. I jumped off the guard rail, and Chase caught me. I wrapped my arms and legs around him, and I kissed his gorgeous lips. He set me down, and we walked a little down the hill. We sat down on the green grass, and I put my head on Chase's shoulder. He put his hand on my cheek, pulling my head toward him so he could kiss my head. "Chase," I began.

"Yeah, baby girl?" he inquired.

"You know I have to leave tomorrow morning and go back to college right?" I asked.

Chase looked straight ahead, but I could see the sad look on his face. "Yeah, I know. I've dreading the night because I know the morning will take you away from me," he admitted.

My stomach dropped when he said that. I did not want to leave him. I wanted to stay with him. "Me too," I replied."But I can't make this weekend last forever, no matter how bad I want to."

"I know, baby girl," he said quietly.

"I don't want what we have together to end this weekend," I told him.

"Me either," he agreed. I promise you, I won't let you go. I'll text you, call you, FaceTime you, anything. I'll even fly you out to the track I'm at so we can be together," Chase promised.

"Will you really?" I asked.

"Heck yeah!" he replied. "I can do that, you know. I got connections," he teased. His smile and smirk made me feel comfortable.

I laughed and gently threw my weight into him, and he fell over onto the grass. "I'll kiss you anytime I want," I flirted.

"Really now?" Chase smirked.

I winked at him and replied, "Heck yeah! I can do that. I have...connections."

We both laughed, and I rolled over on top of Chase. I looked into his big brown eyes and started kissing his lips. He put his arms around me, and we made out for several minutes. We eventually stopped, and we just laid there talking, Chase's arm around me, and my head on his chest. After a while, Chase got a text from Ryan.

Ryan: Race starts in an hour!

Chase: We are on our way.

Ryan: Ok

Chase: Where do y'all wanna meet up?

Ryan: You and Hunter still on the hill?

Chase: did you know we were here?

Ryan: Anyone can see you two up there *insert smirk emoji here*

Chase: Let em look lol where are y'all?

Ryan: My RV

Chase: You're so gonna get laid soon

Ryan: Dude she's reading these texts right now...but I mean who can resist me?

Chase: Oh you're so full of yourself. We'll meet you at your RV in five minutes.

Ryan: You know it's true. Ladies love me. See you then

Chase: Whatever.

I laughed with every text Ryan and Chase sent, but when Chase sent the last text, we got up and walked back over to the golf cart. Chase drove the cart over to Ryan's RV, and when Ryan and Emily got in, we drove down to pit road and we spent time with Dale and Amy and the other drivers until the race was ready to start.

Chase and I stood with Dale and his crew during the prayer and the "Star Spangled Banner". After that, we went up into Dale's National Guard 88 Pit Crew Box and watched the race with Steve Latarte (Dale's crew chief), Amy, Ryan, Emily, and a couple other people.

The race went by smoothly, with only four cautions. Dale managed to stay out of the wrecks, but his car was loose into every turn. His car did not have enough speed to be a winning car, but he had a solid finish in sixth place. Denny Hamlin won the race, and we congratulated him when we saw him in the garages later.

There was still plenty of night left over after the race, and as much as we all loved the track, Chase, Ryan, Emily, and I decided to go to Stone Mountain near Atlanta. Chase and Emily both knew how to get there from the track, so we got in Chase's Chevy z71 Rocky Ridge custom truck, and he drove us to Stone Mountain.

When we got to Stone Mountain, we went to one of the little restaurants in the park and got hotdogs and hamburgers to eat. Then, we went to the cable cars and bought tickets to ride it. I was totally scared of heights, but when we started riding the cable car, Chase knew I was scared, so he put his arms around me and whispered in my ear. He kept telling me how beautiful everything was, then he told me how beautiful I was. I actually calmed down and enjoyed the ride and being in his arms.

At the top of the mountain, we got off the cable car and walked over to the edge of the mountain. I pretty much freaked out, but again Chase calmed me down. We sat down on the top of the mountain and enjoyed the view. We talked and took a few pictures and then rode the cable car back down the mountain. It was almost sunset which was when the laser light show was. We all found a spot on the lawn and spread a blanket on the ground. Chase and I cuddled, and Emily and Ryan cuddled. The light show ended and it was dark outside. It was Labor Day weekend, so they did a fireworks show. After the fireworks Chase and I walked around the park by ourselves until the closed at midnight. We met back up with Emily and Ryan, and started going home.

On the way home, we put on a country radio station and we turned it up really loud. We all sang along to the music, and I danced around in the front seat while singing to Chase and holding his hand. It was moments like that I was going to miss the most.

We got back to the RV, Chase and I took showers, and then we crawled into bed and talked and laughed. Of course, we did a little...well a lot of kissing. Then we turned the tv on and watched "Reign", which we found out we both loved. Then I snuggled up on his chest, and we went to sleep. The last thought I had before I fell asleep was "Dang I love this boy," then, "I have to leave him tomorrow."

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