Chapter Twenty Six

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*Chase's POV*

 When I woke up in the morning, I knew I wanted to do something special for Hunter and make every single moment special up until the second she had to leave. I did not want her to leave; I wanted to make her stay, but I could not do that. I could not make her stay, but I could make her breakfast. I slowly and carefully wiggled my way out from under Hunter, and I kissed her beautiful cheek and pulled the covers over her before I left the room. 

I tried to be really quiet as I took my shower and went into the kitchen and started cooking. I grabbed some bacon out of the fridge, put it in the pan, and turned the stove eye on. I made biscuits and eggs, and even made some gravy. Okay, I admit, it was from the can. 

When all that was done, I set the table. I put plates, forks, spoons, cups, napkins, jelly, honey, salt, pepper, and butter on the table. I did not have any flowers for the centerpiece, but I found some candles and put them on the table. 

I had just finished setting the table when I saw Hunter come out of the room and walk into the bathroom, and she did not even look into the kitchen once. My heart was pounding, because I did not  want her to see everything until I was finished. When she was done in the bathroom, she came out and walked back into the bedroom, not even glancing at my surprise. 

While my heart was calming down, I lit the candles and poured us each some water and also a glass of orange juice. I put the food on each of our plates, and then I was ready for Hunter. Oh crap. You may want to put on a shirt, Chase I told myself.

I went into the bedroom and put on a pair jeans. Hunter was back asleep, and I really hated to wake her, but the last thing I wanted to do was make her eat cold breakfast. I walked over to the bed and laid down beside her. I brushed the hair out of her face and kissed her lips. She woke up, and smiled at me. Her sleepy eyes looked into mine, and she leaned back in to kiss me. 

"Good morning, baby girl," I said to her. 

She smiled again and replied, "Good morning, darling."

"I have a surprise for you," I smirked at her. 

"Ooh, yay!" she exclaimed. "What is it?"

I just smiled at her, so she laughed and spoke again. "Tell me what it is!" 

"How about I show you?" I asked her. I smirked and winked at her, then got out of bed and pulled the covers off her. I had to control myself because when I took the covers off her, I left her uncovered in her tight short shorts and tank top. I really just wanted to forget about breakfast and just stay in bed and eat something else. Sorry readers, I am a guy I can not help my male thoughts and hormones. 

Instead of doing what I really wanted to do to her, I bent down and scooped her into my arms. "Oh my God, Chase!" she squealed. "What are you doing?" she asked, giggling and burying her face into my neck. 

I just smiled and carried her into the kitchen. I put her down by the table, and she gasped when she saw what I had done for her. 

*Hunter's POV* 

I woke up the next morning and rolled over to kiss Chase, but he was not there. I looked around the room, and saw he was not in the room at all. Then it hit me; I had to leave Chase today. I instantly felt tears sting my eyes and a lump form in my throat. I swallowed and blinked my eyes and vowed not to cry. I wanted to enjoy every moment of this last morning with Chase, and I could not do that if I cried the whole time. 

I got out of bed and went into the bathroom. I ignored whatever Chase was doing in the front of the RV. I went back to bed, and fell back asleep. I was awoken, however, by Chase's lips on mine. I smiled, and we said good morning. I kissed Chase again, and he told me he had a surprise for me. I demanded to know what it was, but he did not budge. He instead told me he would show me. 

He got out of the bed, and pulled the covers off me, leaving me covered by nothing but short shorts and a tank top. Oh dang I thought. He looked at me, and I could tell he wanted me, but instead he reached down and scooped me into his arms. I asked what he was doing while laughing into his neck, but he did not answer me. He carried me into the living room and put me down by the table. I gasped when I saw that he had made breakfast for me. 

"Oh my God, Chase!" I exclaimed. "This is so beautiful! I love it!" 

He smiled and bit the inside of his cheek, which he always did when he was nervous or embarrassed. He pulled my chair out for me, and I sat down. He sat down across from me, and we settled into conversation while we ate. 

After breakfast, we went to go get ready. I hopped into the shower, and enjoyed the hot water falling on me. The water was pounding on my back, and I was singing "Over When It's Over" by Eric Church, when I saw a shadow come into the bathroom through the cloudy glass door. 

Chase had just walked into the bathroom, where I was taking a shower. For some reason, it did not bother me. I noticed that Chase was turning towards the shower, and he stopped dead in his tracks when he saw my silhouette. I pretended not to notice, and I embraced the moment to make Chase want me.

I started dancing and singing to "Runaway" by Ed Sheeran as it came on, swaying my hips to the music while letting the water rinse the shampoo out of my hair. I kept watching Chase out of the corner of my eye, and I smiled at the thought of what I was more than likely doing to him at that moment. 

I began washing my body, still dancing to the music. It must have been too much for Chase to handle, because he turned quickly and left the bathroom. 

When I was finished showering, I got ready and put on my clothes, cut off shorts, a purple, pearl-snap button up, and my boots. I went into the bedroom and saw Chase was ready. 

"Wanna go driving around until it's time to meet your parents?" Chase smirked. "I know some good spots on some backroads around here." 

I loved riding around on backroads, and I really wanted to go riding with Chase. "Heck yeah!" I exclaimed. I walked over to him and put one arm around him on his back and my other hand on his chest. I whispered into his ear, "Sounds perfect," then I kissed his neck. 

"What are we waiting on then," Chase whispered back into my ear. 

I grabbed my stuff, and we left the RV and walked hand in hand to Chase's truck. 

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