Chapter Thirty Three

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"You're just his little toy until he gets back with me."

That was the last straw. I could not take another word that she said. Without thinking, I slapped her.

I saw her stumble backwards and hold her cheek where I had slapped her. I took a step back and put my hands over my mouth. It shocked me that I had slap her, but I was not about to let her bad mouth me like that. I was not just a temporary toy to Chase. Was I? 

"Oh my God, Paisley, I'm sorry!" I apologized.

"How can you be sorry?" she shouted. Her voice turned some heads, but I was hoping no one had saw me slap her. 

"I am. I don't know what came over me. You said that about me, and it made me really mad, and before I knew what happened, I slapped you," I defended. 

"You knew perfectly well what you were doing!" Her voice was now a scream. 

"Paisley! I did not mean to, but I think I had the right considering how you told me I was nothing but a toy to Chase!" I retorted. She just stared at me with a anger and held her hand on her face. "You might think I mean nothing to Chase; that I'm just a filler until he comes back to you, but um...I don't think it's going to happen, sweetie. He's with me now, and I don't plan on that changing. He means a lot to me. I like him more than any other guy I've ever known. I will not give him up without a fight," I stated.

She continued staring at me for at least a minute before she spoke. "Well," she began. "You can put up all the fight you want to, but it won't matter much when he decides to come back to me on his own."

"If you're done, I have to go find Chase," I told her.

She chuckled, turned on her high heels, and walked off. I did not say a word to Emily as we walked backed to the golf cart and drove back to the building where Chase and Ryan were waiting. I could feel my face burning with anger and worry as Ryan and Emily got on the Penske golf cart and Chase slid into the driver's seat of the JRM golf cart. Chase and I rode in silence, my gaze fixed at the scenery whizzing by us. "What's wrong, baby girl?" he inquired.

"It's not what. It's who," I replied. 

"Who?" he asked. 

"Paisley. Porthouse," I answered, clenching my jaw together after remembering what Paisley had said. 

Chase slammed on the brakes and brought the golf cart to a stop. "What did she do?" he demanded. His eyebrows furrowed as I hesitated.

Ryan and Emily stopped right beside us at that moment. "Hey, guys, what's up? Why did y'all stop?" Ryan asked. 

"Come on Ryan, they need to talk about what I just told you," Emily said. 

"Oooooh," Ryan replied. "We'll go on ahead and let you guys talk. Meet us back at my RV when you're done," he invited. 

"Alright, thanks man," Chase replied. "We'll knock before we come in," he winked, then became serious again and turned his attention back to me. Emily and Ryan drove away, and Chase put a piece of hair behind my ear while I looked down and played with my hands. 

I took a deep breath and began telling Chase the story. I could see his neck and ears turn a bright shade of red, which spread to his cheeks as I got deeper into my story. "What the heck?" he interrupted. "She said that to you?" he asked when I told him what she had said. 

"Yeah, she did," I replied, looking down at the floorboard of the golf cart. 

"I am so sorry. What happened after that?"

I told him I slapped her, and his face turned expressionless. I felt tears sting my eyes, and I knew he was disappointed in me for what I had done. I slowly looked up, and I was surprised to see a smile playing on his lips. I looked at him, questioning why he was smiling. His smile turned into a full on laugh. His laugh was infectious, and as much as I hated to, I started laughing with him. "Why are you laughing, Chase?" I asked. 

"It's about time someone slapped that witch!" Chase laughed hysterically. 

"What?" I chuckled? "You're actually happy that I slapped her?" 

"Heck yeah!" 

"Why?" I inquired. 

"Because. She's a manipulative, rude, snotty, biatch who can't realize that I don't want her. She betrayed me by sleeping with my ex-best friend, then tried to make excuses for it and acted like she really cared," he answered. 

"Wow, I'm so sorry, Chase." 

"It's okay, just don't feel bad about slapping her. If I was you I would have too," he assured me. 

I finished telling him the rest of what happened. We sat in silence, and I could clearly see he was letting what I told her sink in. "Did you really mean that? That you'll fight for me?" he asked. 

"Yeah, I really did. I won't let her take you away from me, Chase. I can't lose you." 

"Baby girl, don't let her get to you. You're not just my 'toy'. You are so much more than that. You will not lose me. To her or anyone else," he reassured me. He took my face into his hands and brought it close to his. He looked into my eyes and kissed me. 

"We should probably head over to Ryan's RV. I'm hungry. Let's raid his fridge," I said to him with a smirk. 

"Darling, you read my mind," he smirked back. 

We started making our way over to the RV lot. Halfway there, I noticed a group of people who appeared to be arguing. Then I spotted the Penske golf cart, and I noticed Emily and Ryan. They were fighting with Dylan. I told Chase to go over to where they were. When we got there, I heard Ryan and Dylan shouting at each other, and Emily was trying to break them apart. 

I walked up to the group with Chase at my arm. "What is going on here?" Chase interrupted. 

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