Chapter Thirty Five

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*Hunter's POV*

"Yeah, I guess I am," Dylan admitted.

Dylan had just admitted to being jealous of Ryan and also liking Emily when Emily walked around the corner of the diner. "Hey, guys!" Emily said cheerfully.

I sat up straighter in my chair and said a little prayer she did not hear what Dylan just confessed. "Hey, Ems, how's Ryan?" I asked her, trying to be normal.

"He's good! He calmed down a lot once we got back to the RV," she answered.

"Hey, Ems, look. I'm sorry for blowing up on you guys and causing all that back there. It was uncalled for, and my first mistake was believing Paisley and not even stopping to consider she was lying. I should have known better," Dylan apologized.

"It's okay, Dylan. Just try to be sure you know who your true friends are and who's just playing you to get a dig at someone else," she told him. "Paisley is only trying to break Chase and Hunter up. She called Hunter Chase's toy and was being really rude to her."

"I am so sorry. I didn't realize she did that. I should have asked what really happened before I went off like that. I really am sorry," he replied, dropping his gaze to the table and playing with a napkin.

"It's no big deal," Chase assured him. "Just be leery of Paisley. She's up to no good. Speaking of her, I have to go have a little chat with her." Chase stood up, and I stood up with him. He gave me a kiss, and I engulfed him into a huge bear hug, then he started going to talk to Paisley.

"Don't let her get to you, baby," I warned.

"Don't worry, baby girl. She can't get to me," he swore.

"I sure hope not," I mumbled under my breath.

"I don't think you have any reason to worry, Hunter," Dylan said, breaking my attention away from watching Chase walk away. "He really likes you. I've never seen him like this with anyone."

"Paisley seems like the kind of girl who gets what she wants and fights until she does, so I am worried. What if she convinces him to go back to her?" I confessed my fears.

"It won't happen. He won't go back to her," Emily promised.

I didn't say anything else until Dylan changed the topic of our conversation to the upcoming races. Even then I could not seem to get my mind off of what was happening with Chase and Paisley while I was not there.


Ryan, Emily, and I were all sitting in Ryan's RV when the door opened and Chase walked in. I instantly threw my game controller on the table which caused the car I was racing on NASCAR 14 to slam into the wall at the loss of my control. I stood up off the couch and waited for Chase to make the next move. "Well that was...intense..." Chase breathed with a sigh.

"What happened?" I asked, the worry probably apparent in my voice.

"She gave her usual 'I'm so sorry. I love you so much. Please take me back. I won't hurt you again' speech, and I let her know really quickly that it wasn't going to happen," he stated. I felt a huge weight come off my shoulders when he said that. "She still tried to put up a fight, so I reinforced the fact that you, Hunter, are my future, and I want no one else but you. Then I just walked away."

I was speechless as I stood there in front of Chase. He came closer to me and pulled me into his arms, kissing my forehead. "Thank you, Chase," I sighed into his neck.

Chase replied, "It's the truth, baby. She needed a reality check."

"You have no idea how worried I've been. I was scared she would convince you to go back to her."

"She could never do that," he assured me.

I just clung onto his shirt with my arms wrapped around him, just breathing in his scent. He smelled of clean laundry and wind, and it made me feel warm and fuzzy inside.

"Whelp," Ryan began, dragging out the word. "Sure am glad y'all got all that figured out," he said clapping his hands together.

I could not help but laugh at him, and Chase began to laugh too. "Want to go for a walk?" Chase whispered.

"Yes, please," I replied.

We left Emily and Ryan in the RV and started walking around, heading for the exit of the track. I was rambling about anything and everything like normal, and Chase just held my hand, smiled, and listened. He would move from topic to topic with me, sharing his thoughts with me. When we reached the exit of the track, we turned and started walking through the mostly empty camping grounds, stopping occasionally to sign autographs for his fans. We turned around after we had been walking for a while. He stopped walking and pulled me to him before we entered the track again. "Babe?" he got my attention.

"Yeah?" I replied.

"I've been trying to come up with a unique way to ask you this, but I guess the best way is to just come straight out and ask you to go out with me," he said quickly but calmly. It took a moment for it to sink in, so I hesitated on replying. "Hunter Elizabeth Roberts, will you go on a date with me tomorrow?"

True to my not so sophisticated and slightly odd character I replied, "Do you really think I'd say no?" So romantic, right? "Of course I'll go on a date with you, Chase! I've been hoping you would ask me." I could feel myself blushing, and Chase grinned from ear to ear before kissing me. We resumed our conversation of random things and walked back to Ryan's RV.


The next day went by smoothly, no sign of Paisley and no Dylan drama. After all the practices were over for the day, and Chase was done with interviews, I made Emily come with me to Chase's RV so she could help me get ready. Chase and I were going out at seven o'clock, so I had about an hour and a half to get ready. I laid out all my outfit choices, along with shoe choices out on Chase's bed. I went and got a shower while Emily debated the outfits. Chase told me to dress nice, and I wanted to blow him away. After my shower, I put on shorts and a tank top to wear until I was ready to put on my outfit. Emily helped me decide on makeup which consisted of brown and silver eye shadow, eyeliner, foundation, blush, mascara, and nude/pink lips. Next, I picked my dress.

After much debate, I decided on a short, black dress with a jeweled collar and a white bow on the front. I put it on, then put on the black high heels with rhinestones on the heel I had paired with the dress. I put on diamond earrings shaped like bows and some silver rings, a few of which stopped at my knuckles. I also put on a bracelet with peach colored flowers and gold and pearl accents. I put my hair into a high bun which was strategically messy, and it looked really good with my blonde highlights.

I was surveying myself in the mirror when Chase knocked on the door. I went into the bathroom while Chase went into his room to get clothes, then grabbed my clutch, sneaked out the door, and left him in the RV to get ready so he would not see me and he could get ready for our date. When I entered Ryan's RV after Emily's drum roll, Ryan's said, "Zayum, girl. You clean up good! I can't wait to take my own girl out and see her all fixed up."

"Well ask me out then, dummy," Emily winked.

We laughed when Ryan replied, "Calm yourself, baby girl, I'm making you want it by leaving you waiting. It's called strategy."

We all sat down and started watching an old episode of Ridiculousness. After about fifteen minutes, Chase knocked on the door of Ryan's RV. I ran into the bathroom while Ryan got the door so I could make sure I still looked as good as possible for Chase. When I walked out of the bathroom, Chase was talking to Ryan, but as soon as he saw me, his jaw dropped.

Author's Note!! The outfit posted with the chapter is what Hunter is wearing on their first date!!

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