Chapter Forty

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*Emily's POV*

"Ryan! Where is this coming from," I said, tears streaming down my face. Ryan had just told me he felt like I did not really want to be with him, but wanted to be with Dylan instead. 

"It's how I feel, Emily. You drop everything for him. As soon as he texts, you reply. Even while we're spending time together, you're texting him. And he's getting way too touchy feely with you too, and I hate it," Ryan replied bluntly. 

I had no reply, my brain was blank. Ryan's words cut me like a knife. "I don't know what you're talking about," was the only thing I could think to say. 

"Oh, really?" he asked sarcastically. "You were sitting on his bed and holding onto him for dear life when I walked into his room earlier."

I could see how that might would seem bad to Ryan, but Dylan was my friend, and I was trying to be there for him. "I was just hugging my friend, Ry." 

"Looked like more than friends to me, Emily," Ryan retorted. His voice betrayed him, shaking and showing how upset he really was. 

Tears continued to fall down my face, and I tried to think of something to say. "I'm not cheating on you, baby. Please believe me," I sobbed. 

"I'm not accusing you of cheating on me. I just think that you like him more than you realize. You may not see it, but I do. So does Dylan, or he wouldn't keep pushing you and trying to get to you." He was silent for a moment, before speaking again. His voice was low, but his message was loud and clear. "And I just don't think I can handle being hurt by you." 

I felt like I had just been slapped. "Are you breaking up with me?" I blurted, more tears flowing from my eyes faster than ever before. 

"I just think we need a break. I will be here for you if you want me, but you need to decide if you really want me. Me and ONLY me," Ryan replied, emphasizing only. 

By now, we were at Ryan's apartment, and I was both hurt and mad. I did not want to be around Ryan in that moment, knowing he felt like I was betraying him. I could not believe he would even say something like that to me, much less break up with me over it. I just wanted to leave and be by myself.

We sat in silence for a few minutes, before I spoke up. "Well then, I'll get my bags out of your apartment and go to a hotel," I said while opening the car door. I got out of the car and walked to apartment C21, Ryan's apartment. I waited outside by the door until Ryan came up and let me in. We did not speak a word while I gathered my things. When I was ready to leave, I walked to the door, opened it, and looked back at Ryan. He looked at me, pain filling his eyes, and looked as if he was about to say something. I shook my head and walked out the door before he could say it, and I slammed the door behind me. 

When I got to the hotel, I slumped down against the wall, crying and wondering how me and Ryan could be perfectly fine one minute, then not even together the next. So many things were running through my head. Maybe Ryan was the one who did not know what he wanted. I picked up my phone and called the one person I knew would always be there for me, someone who always knew what to say and do: Hunter. 


*Hunter's POV* 

Because Emily and Ryan weren't at the apartment anymore, I decided to take a rain check on spending the night with my friend so I could go back and pack for my trip to Dover to see Chase. When I got Emily's text about Dylan, I immediately texted him myself to make sure he was okay. When I was sure that he was, in fact, not going to die as Emily led me to believe (#dramatic), I continued packing. 

I was so excited to see Chase. Even though it had only been a week since our amazing, romantic first date in Kentucky, I was missing him so much. I finished packing sooner than expected, and my hunger to see Chase took over me, so I took out my phone and called the airport. After I had changed my flight to a red-eye flight at 2:15 a.m., I texted Chase. 

Me: BABE!!!!!!!!! 

My Man: What is it baby?? 

Me:  I miss you.

My Man: I miss you more. I can NOT wait to see your beautiful face tomorrow. 

Me: What would you do if you could see me earlier...

My Man: I would be like really happy. 

Me: Well...(smirk emoji)

Me: I may have moved my flight up...

My Man: For real?? What time are you flying out??

Me: 2:15 a.m. 

My Man: I'm so excited to see you!!!!!!! I'll have someone waiting at the airport to pick you up and bring you to the track!! 

Me: Okay! I'm so ready to be there

My Man: I get to hold you in my arms when you get here (shy monkey emoji)

Me: YAS! I need that so much right now

My Man: Me too baby girl. 

As I was reading Chase's text and blushing, a picture of Emily and me on a ferris wheel appeared on my screen; Emily was calling me. 

"Hello," I answered. 

I heard nothing from Emily but crying, and my heart instantly dropped. 

"What happened?" I asked, scared. 

"Ryan," Emily stammered. "He-he-he dumped me," she choked out the words.

"Oh my God. Emily," I said sympathetically. "Why?" 

"He thinks I want Dylan instead of him," she answered. 

"What made him think that?" 

"He said because I put Dylan first, and text him all the time, and will drop everything for Dylan," she replied. 

"I'm so sorry, girl. Are you going to fight for him?" I inquired. 

When I asked her that, she paused for a while. "No," she replied defiantly. 

"Why not?" 

"Because, honestly, if he feels that way after all we've done and how I've treated him this past month, then I can't change his mind. I have been completely committed to him. I don't see how he can feel that way," she said. 

"I understand, girl," I reassured her. I knew she needed my support, and I was going to give it to her, despite my opinion of her just letting Ryan walk away. "I'm here for you, Ems, no matter what you decide to do."

We continued talking about the situation until midnight, when I had to go get ready for my flight. At one o'clock, I started making my way to the airport in Montgomery.  

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