Chapter Seven

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I sat down facing the door and started whispering to Emily about my conversation with Dale and how happy I was and what this opportunity meant for me. The waitress brought our food over to our table, and I did not realize how hungry I was until I started eating the hotdogs and cheese fries we ordered. My concentration on my food was interrupted when I noticed someone walking in the door. Oh my gosh. Dylan Kwasniewski and Kyle Larson were coming into the diner. I was feeling starstruck again, and I was trying to figure out a way to talk to them. They ordered their food and were turning to go sit at a table near us. I heard Dylan say, "Chase and Ryan are on their way. They should be here in a few minutes."

Omg, Chase is coming to join them, I thought. The boys were just about to sit down at their table when I called them out. "Dylan! Kyle!" I caught their attention and waved them over. They walked over to our table and Dylan spoke first.

"Hey, girls! What's up?" he asked.

"Not much, just enjoying meeting all of these drivers," I said with a wink at Dylan. "Do y'all wanna join us?"

Kyle did not even hesitate to say, "Yeah! We'll join you guys. We have two more friends coming though, so I hope you don't mind them joining us."

"No, it's perfectly fine! The more the merrier!" Emily reassured. She smirked at me, and I instantly knew she had heard them say Chase and Ryan were on their way too.

"Alright! I quess we will join y'all then," Dylan said.

"Yay!" I giggled. Dylan sat on Emily's left side, and Kyle sat across from Dylan on my right side. The only two seats left at the table were across from me on Emily's right and right beside me on my left. I could not help but pray that Chase sat in the seat right beside me.

We talked to Dylan and Kyle for several minutes about any and everything. We talked about our lives, our hobbies, racing, our likes, dislikes, etc. I kept noticing that Dylan would cast a side glance at Emily about every minute. He would wink and smile at her, and I could tell he was flirting hardcore with her. I could see he clearly liked her.

When I heard the bell above the diner door ring signaling someone was coming in the door, I stopped midsentence and quickly looked to see who was walking in. Chase's eyes instantly met mine, and a smile instantly spread across both our faces. My heart started pounding faster when he started walking to the table after ordering food. My heart nearly stopped when he pulled out the chair right beside me and sat down.

He put his arm on the top of my chair and turned to face me, Emily, Dylan, and Kyle. "We keep running into each other," he said to me.

"Yeah we do," I replied, shyly putting my hair behind my ear and looking at him and then at my lap.

"I wonder if it's a sign?"

I looked up at him and actually forgot to breathe for a few seconds. "I don't know," I answered. "Maybe it is."

"Maybe it is," he repeated then took his arm off my chair and got up from the table. "I'll be right back. Do not go anywhere," he demanded sweetly. "I just need to go talk to Dale for a few minutes."

"Okay," I said. "We'll be waiting on you." He walked away, and Dylan and Kyle started talking again. Ryan walked up and sat down right next to Emily, and I could see her tense up because she was so nervous.

"Relax," I mouthed to her. I winked at her and we both started giggling.

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