Chapter Sixteen

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Emily and I were just making circles around the track, going into one garage and then into the next. We were talking about all that had gone on so far and about our boys. I was telling Emily how much I thought Ryan really liked her when a tall guy with dark hair and a beard walked up to us.

The beard and the blue Lowe's hat he was wearing gave it away. Jimmie Johnson was coming to talk to us. He stopped in front of us and smiled while saying, "Hey, girls, whats up?"

I was a little shocked that he seemed so comfortable with us. I knew that him and Chase were good friends, and I know he had seen us with Chase a and Ryan, but he talked to is like he had known us forever.

Emily was freaking out, JJ was her favorite Sprint Cup driver. We asked him if he wanted to keep us company while we walked, and he gladly said yes.

"Chase and Ryan have told me how y'all met and how close you guys are, even though they haven't known you long," he smiled.

"Yeah," I blushed. "We've gotten pretty close."

Emily blushed too, and I could tell she was embarrassed. I was too; we were both very shy. We talked to Jimmie for a while, then he had to leave. Before he left, he turned to us and said, "If y'all are ever at another race, text me and I can get you back in the pits for free." Emily, Jimmie, and I swapped numbers, and we thanked him for his kindness.

"You have my number," he said. "If either of you ever need anything, just let me know, and you got it."

"Thanks so much, Jimmie," Emily replied.

"No problem, girls. Enjoy the race. See you around," he said as he walked off.

As Jimmie Johnson walked off, Chase and Ryan walked up. "Hey, Hunter," Chase said. He was out of breath from all the walking he had done.

"Hey, Emily," Ryan smirked. He liked her so much, and he was constantly flirting with her. She would always blush, and it was completely adorable.

We returned their greetings, and Chase grabbed my hand. Ryan grabbed Emily's, and the guys looked at each other and smiled a playful, evil grin. I looked at Emily like what the heck, and she looked back like IDK! "What are you guys up to??" she asked.

Ryan winked at her and replied, "we have a surprise."

"Oh God," Emily said sarcastically with a laugh.

We followed the guys around the track until they stopped us in front of a group of four people. I instantly noticed Bill and Cindy Elliott. My heart jumped. I was meeting Chase's parents.

"Mom, Dad," Chase smiled. "Meet Hunter. She's a friend of mine I met here today."

Cindy and Bill both smiled at me and shook my hand. "Nice to meet you Mr. and Mrs. Elliott. It's such an honor," I said. I was nervous and my voice was a little shaky. Chase could tell I was nervous, and he was still holding my hand, so he squeezed it to reassure me.

"Nice to meet you!" Cindy sad cheerfully.

"It's a pleasure," Bill added.

I talked to Bill, Cindy, and Chase for several minutes. They asked the general questions that parents ask, and I gladly answered them. They were nice to me, and I tried to impress them. I could see Chase was happy with the way I responded to his parents. Eventually, Chase told his parents that we had to go. We said goodbye and turned to walk off when Cindy softly grabbed my air and pulled me into a hug.

"Its so nice to meet you, Hunter," she said while hugging me.

"You too!" I replied.

"I hope we get to see you again," Bill admitted.

"Don't worry," Chase smirked slightly. "If I have a say so, y'all will be seeing much more of her."

I blushed, and Chase lightly gripped my elbow to guide me away so we could do spend time together before the race. Suddenly, Emily was to my left, and Ryan was on Chase's right.

"I just met his parents," Emily informed me, her eyes wide.

"OMG, I'm so happy for you! I just met Bill and Cindy!" I whispered. I tried to be quiet, but Chase heard me anyway, and he smiled.

"EEH!" Emily screeched. She stopped talking and grabbed Ryan's hand when he moved to her side.

"Hey," Chase got my attention. "There's a spot in my pit box that's yours for this race."

His gorgeous eyes looked into mine and he smiled. I smiled back and then my smile disappeared. "I can't sit in your pit box during the race. I want to so bad, but I can't."

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