Chapter Twenty Two

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I woke up the next morning to a half-naked Chase towering over me in the bed. I wiped my eyes and giggled at Chase, who was still only wearing boxers. He brushed the hair out of my face as he looked into my eyes. He continued moving his hand until it reached my neck, then he softly used his hand to pull me up to him so he could kiss me good morning. As he kissed me, I melted and sunk down onto the bed, and Chase sunk down with me until he was on his knees, leaning over me, kissing me. When he stopped kissing me, he raised up and looked me up and down. "Well then," I started. "Hi," I said while smirking and giggling.

That made Chase smile and he chuckled a little. "Good morning, baby girl," he said. His early morning, sleepy voice was deeper than his normal voice, and it was sexy as heck.

"God, I love it when you call me that," I stated. "And good morning to you too," I said, still smirking.

"Oh, you do? Ok, baby girl," he grinned.

I smiled back at him, then I noticed he kept staring at something. Well, my chest. I looked down and thought Oh God when I noticed that the majority of my bra was showing. My tank top had been pulled down while I was sleeping and I had not noticed until now. I instantly started blushing, and he started laughing and smirking. "I'm sorry," I said, embarrassed.

"Oh no no, baby girl, I don't mind at all," he replied.

"Of course you wouldn't," I said.

We laughed, and I fixed my shirt, then Chase got off me, and we got out of bed. I waited in the bedroom while Chase got a shower. He walked out of the bathroom and nearly took my breath away. He had on a pair of dark wash jeans that made his tan skin look amazing. He ran his hands through his long, wet hair as he walked out. I almost died, but somehow I managed to get up and go get ready. After I showered, I put on my favorite Dale Jr. Daytona 500 winner t-shirt and a pair of cut-off jeans. I did my makeup and put on my favorite pink lipstick and left my hair down and straight. When I was done, I went into the bedroom, and Chase was had dried and fixed his hair and he had put on the shirt I had seen him wear so many times that I absolutely loved, his dark blue Napa polo, and I hate to admit, but he was looking so hot, I wanted to just stay in the RV and take those clothes off him.

"You look beautiful, baby girl," he said, smiling.

"Thanks, you look hot too, babe," I replied with a smirk.

"Thanks. Ready to go?"

"Yup, ready when you are!"

"Let's go," he said as he started walking to the door. We walked out of the RV and into the Georgia morning sunshine. Chase drove the golf cart over to Ryan's RV, where Ryan and Emily were waiting. They hopped into the golf cart, then Chase drove down to pit lane with one hand on the steering wheel and the other on my thigh. When we got to pit lane, we parked the golf cart and started walking to the garages. We waved to crew members and people we knew as we walked around. We eventually wound up at Dale's car hauler, where we hung out with some of the crew and Dale and Amy for a while.

Then Ryan, Emily, Chase, and I decided to go get breakfast at the diner. We left the hauler and started walking there. Chase and I were talking about my life at college, and Emily and Ryan were holding hands, walking behind us, and talking. All of a sudden, I ran into Dylan. Literally. I ran into him. Like I almost knocked him over because he was a little on the short side, and I was bigger than him. "Omg, Dylan, I am so sorry!" I exclaimed.

"Hunter, don't apologize. It was my fault; I'm sorry. Are you ok?" he asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine. You?"

"Yeah, I'm good."

"What's up, man? Why are you in such a rush?" Ryan asked. "Got a hot date?"

"No, Ryan," Dylan started. "I just have a lot of things..." Dylan stopped mid-sentence when he saw Emily holding Ryan's hand. "On my mind," he finished.

"Oh ok, Dylan," Ryan said.

I just looked at Chase and mouthed What's up with him? to him. I don't even know Chase mouthed back. We just shook our heads and shrubbed our shoulders.

"Are you going to watch the race with us, Dylan?" Emily inquired.

Dylan just glared at her. "I'm not sure. I'll probably sit in Kyle Larson's pit box," he said. His voice sounded to me like it was filled with anger, jealousy, and sadness, but I was not sure if that was really what it was or if he was just stressed and really did have a lot on his mind.

"Oh," Emily replied. "It would be really cool if you would watch it with us."

"Yeah, I don't know if I can," he retorted.

"Ok," Emily said quietly.

"Yeah, well I gotta go so I'll see you guys around later," Dylan said. He walked off before we even had the chance to say goodbye.

"Well that was weird," Ryan commented.

"Yeah, it was," Chase agreed.

"Yeah," Ryan said. He turned to Emily and asked her a question and she answered him. He turned back around and said, "Well, Emily and I are gonna go on to the diner. Y'all can come with us like we planned if y'all want to."

"If y'all don't mind, we'll be right behind y'all, but I want to talk to Chase for a few minutes," I answered.

"Okay, that's fine, see you then," Ryan replied.

They walked away, and Chase and I walked to Pit Lane. "Why is Dylan acting so weird?" I asked Chase.

"I'm not sure," Chase admitted. "He don't ever act like this."

"He is normal around us, but when he's around Ryan and Emily..." I trailed off. "What if that's it?"

"No," Chase immediately said. "No, he's not jealous."

"I'm not so sure about that."

"Yeah. Who knows; maybe he is jealous," Chase said.

"Yeah, well I'm hungry, so what do you say we go eat with Emily and Ryan?" I asked.

'Let's do it," Chase said as he put his arm around my waist.

We started talking and walking to the diner. I was laughing at a joke he had just told when Chase stopped in the middle of us walking. I looked at him, and noticed he was looking straight ahead, so I turned to see what he was looking at. It was a girl. A very hot one at that. She was gorgeous. She had long, curly brown hair and really long legs. Her big brown eyes were outlined by perfect makeup and eyelashes.

"Paisley? What the heck are you doing here?" Chase exploded. He was shocked, and I could tell there was a story behind Chase and this girl. And I could also feel myself getting more jealous with each step this perfect girl who knew my man took.

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