Chapter Thirty Nine

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"I'm going with you," Ryan stated bluntly. 

"To see Dylan?" I asked, puzzled. I thought he pretty much hated Dylan. 

"Yes. He's my friend too, Emily."

"I understand. We have to leave like right now, though," I grabbed my bags and headed for the door. 

Ryan followed me and we stayed in silence the whole way to the airport in Montgomery. I could feel that Ryan was ticked off about something, and the tension in the air was unreal. I did not understand why he would be mad at me, however. Dylan was a really close friend, he asked me to be there for him, and I was going to be. 

When our plane landed in Charlotte, we got in Ryan's truck and he drove us to the hospital in Mooresville. I asked the lady at the front desk for Dylan's room number, and eventually, Ryan and I found his room. I lightly knocked on the door and walked into his room while Ryan stayed out in the hall. 

The room was dark, the blinds were closed, and sound of monitors and IV machines were the only thing breaking the silence in the room. Dylan was lying in the bed, his eyes closed. His face was bruised, he had bandages on his head, and his right arm was covered in scrapes and cuts. I gasped a little when I saw him, and my stomach turned as though I would be sick. Apparently he heard my gasp, because his eyes fluttered open. He flashed his big smile at me, wincing in pain as his facial muscles pushed on the bruises on his face. 

"Emily," he whispered, his voice shaking. 

"Dylan," I said slowly. "What happened?" 

"I got into a fight with another car at a stop light," he lightly laughed. 

I faked a smile. "How?" 

"I was overthinking everything, and I just had to get away and clear my head. So I jumped in my Camaro and just started driving. I wasn't thinking and the light turned red. I ran the light and a truck hit the right side of my car," he answered.

"Why didn't you stop?" I inquired. 

"I'm not sure. I thought I could make it I guess; I don't know." He looked away from me and avoided eye contact. 

I walked over to his bed, and stood beside him. "Don't ever scare me like that again, Dyly." 

"I won't; I promise," he replied quietly. 

I sat down on his bed, facing him. I leaned forward to give him a hug, and when he put his arms around me, the room started spinning. He held me in his arms for what felt like forever until someone walked in the room. 

Ryan cleared his throat, and I jumped out of Dylan's arms. I felt my face turn red with embarrassment, but I saw Ryan's face turn red with anger and jealousy. He clinched his fists, and I could tell he was fighting back from going off on Dylan right then and there. 

"Wow, buddy, you look terrible," Ryan faked a laugh.

I do not think Dylan noticed Ryan's anger, because he laughed and replied, "Black and blue aren't my colors are they?" 

"Not at all," Ryan said. "Are you going to be able to race this weekend?" 

"I should be able to leave tomorrow. They're keeping me overnight for observation, but I should be able to race," Dylan answered. 

"That's good," Ryan replied. "Whelp. I think I'm going to take Emily back to the apartment and drop off her bags and stuff then we'll be back in a few hours. Need us to bring you anything back?" 

"Nah, man, I'm okay. Thanks for asking though," Dylan said with a smile. 

Ryan walked to the door and told me, "I'll be out here when you're ready to go." I could see an emotion in his eyes, but I could not tell if it was anger, hurt, or a mixture of both. 

When Ryan left the room, I walked back to Dylan's bed and said goodbye. I gave him another hug, and when I went to get off the bed, Dylan grabbed my hand and pulled me back close to him. "Emily," he started, desperation in his voice. "You know I've always wanted you. The reason I drove off today was because I was overthinking things between me, you, and Ryan. When I got hit by that truck, all I could think about was you. It's always you. It has always been you." 

I pulled away from him and jerked my hand out of his. I was shocked at what he had just told me. I felt like I could not breathe. 'I...I...I have to go," I stammered. "Ryan is waiting for me." 

"The guy that gets to wait for you is one lucky man," Dylan's voice trailed off. 

I could not help but smile. "Goodbye Dylan," I said as I walked out of the hospital room. I met Ryan out in the hall, and we left the hospital. 

In the car on the way home, Ryan spoke up. "We need to talk." 

"About what," I said, suddenly becoming nervous, my stomach turning, once again making me feel sick. 

He replied seriously. "Us." 

Chase's POV 

"No, baby girl, I miss you way more. You can not miss anyone the way I miss you," I told Hunter into the phone. 

I heard her beautiful Southern accent answer back, "Chase," she giggled. "We both miss each other the same. I can't wait to see you Saturday." 

"Me either, darling," I replied. Then I remembered something. "Oh, I almost forgot."   

"What?" she asked.

"Would you be willing to do an interview for Fox Sports about what it's like to watch me race and stuff?" I inquired. 

"Like an official interview, like, as your official girlfriend," I could hear the smile in her voice.

"Of course," I smirked into the phone. "Everybody at the track knows we're together, might as well let every NASCAR fan know too." 

She took a while to answer back, but I knew it was because she was smiling so much she could not speak. I loved it when I could make her smile like that. "Of course I'll do the interview," she finally replied. "But only if you're there with me," she added. 

"That's my girl," I smiled. "I'll tell Darrell and he'll set it up. You'll probably do the interview before the race on Saturday." 

"So I have to find something to wear now. I don't know what to wear. How do I do my makeup? My hair? I'll bring several outfits and you can pick which one I should wear," she rambled. 

"Baby," I got her attention.

"Yeah?" she stopped rambling. 

 "You will look beautiful in anything. I'll help you decide, and I'll be there for you every step of the way. This is the first of many interviews for you, and by the time you've done this one, you'll be comfortable with it," I reassured her. 

"My first interview. As your girlfriend." 

"That's right. And dear God I can not wait to show the world you're mine," I told her. 

She was silent again, so I spoke back up. "Hey, baby, I'll call you tonight when I get home okay?" 

"Okay, Chase," she whispered. 

"Bye, sweetheart," I smiled. 

"Goodbye babe," she replied and hung up the phone. 

That girl was my whole world, and I could not wait for the world to know she was mine. 

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