Mad Sounds

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A/N: Hey!  I am so sorry this chapter is extremely late, I've had some personal issues I have had to deal with lately and I just haven't felt up to writing. Hopefully I can get back into the swing of things and chapter will hopefully come out faster! 

Anyways, I hope you enjoy the new chapter <3


Sydney's POV

"Why the fuck is it so bright in here?" I murmur to myself, covering my eyes. I realize that I must have not closed my curtains before I went to bed last night.

Shit, I had the best dream last night. I came home after the party and Harry was here, he looked so good last night. God, he actually went down on me, why couldn't he do that every ni-, wait a second, who's arm is around me?

I realize that there was an arm, wrapped tightly around my waist. I look down a notice that there were tattoos on the arm that weren't familiar to me. I don't recognize any of Zayn's on this arm, if it's not Zayn then who the fuck is next to me?

"It really is, you didn't think to close the blinds last night?" I hear a deep accent speak out from behind me. I immediately sit up and look over to the person next to me. I recognize the head of curls and quickly realize that my dream, was in fact not a dream at all.

"Did we? Last night? I thought- what the fuck." I start rambling off in a state of shock.

"Yeah, we did." Harry starts his sentence, having a confused look on his face. "Please tell me you remember last night."

"Um- yeah, yeah, I do." I lie. I really thought it was all a dream, but I guess not. I gather up the thick comforter around my chest, leaving Harry the thin sheet that was underneath. I stood up, quickly realizing how fucking sore I was and waddled over to my dresser and grabbed a pair of grey sweatpants and a black sports bra.

I walk over to my bathroom and turn on the light and walk over to the mirror. Once I get in front of the large oval mirror, I quickly notice that I had mascara running down my face. I reach into the cabinet that was next to the sink and grab some makeup remover and cotton pads a began to wipe off any makeup residue that was left over. Once I finished with that, I washed off any oils left from the remover and started brushing my teeth. I finish brushing my teeth and went back into my room, where I saw Harry laying on his stomach, with his cheek squished up against the pillow.

"Get out of my bed and get dressed." I say to Harry, shaking him to wake him up.

"Nooo, five more minutes." He groans hiding his face from me.

"No, it's already nine o'clock, Niall will be up soon, and you need to get out before he wakes up." I explain to him.

"Why do I have to leave so soon? He already walked in on us having sex, what's the difference if I stay a little bit longer?" He questions while rolling over on his back, so his head is against the headboard. The sheet that was covering started to move dangerously low, stopping just above his hips, so his v-line just starts to show. The ferns tattooed on them just peaked out from under the sheets, fuck I can't let him go now, can I?

"Because I said so, now get dressed." I say to him bending down and picking up his clothes, tossing them onto the bed next to him. He gets up with the sheet still wrapped around his waist, and heads to the bathroom to get changed. I take the sheets off the bed and take them down to the laundry room and put them in the washer. I start to head back to my room, realizing Niall's room door is open, I peak my head into his room, but don't see him in there.

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