IDK You Yet

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A/N: Hey! This chapter is a short chapter. :)


Harry's POV

My mom always told me 'to live life to the fullest' and my dad always told me 'if you want something, go for it'. I guess that's why I kissed Sydney before leaving her house today. I've had an attraction to her since the first day I met her and not talking to her the past two weeks was killing me. All I wanted to do was talk to her and get to know her.

Since I moved a lot as a child, I never allowed myself to really get to know someone, I never allowed myself to form an attachment to a person. Because I knew that when the time came for my family to move, it would be a lot harder to leave if I had close friends. So I didn't allow myself to make good friends.

But knowing this was the last time I would be moving for a while, I was allowing myself to learn more about people. I allowed myself to make close friends. And by allowing myself to make good friends, I met Niall, Liam, Louis, and Zayn. Over the past two weeks, us five have been hanging out a lot more often, actually learning about each other.

Like, I learned that Niall loves sports, but he really loves basketball, wants to become a pro player. Zayn loves his art, he loves drawing to be exact. He wants to major in art and own his own art shop down the road. Louis loves to play the guitar, he is actually in a band called Five Times Rock. And Liam loves science and chemistry, he talks about becoming a doctor and majoring in medicine. I was actually surprised that he loved school that much, he honestly doesn't look like a person that would enjoy school that much.

I was also surprised that I was the one that asked more about each of them. That's what I want to do with Sydney. I want to get to know her. I want to know what her favorite movie is, how she likes her coffee, her favorite flowers, literally everything about her.

The last person I did that with was my last girlfriend and letting her go when we were moving was the hardest thing I ever had to do. I loved her more than anything and letting her go broke my fucking heart. I spent at least two days just lying-in bed sobbing, and then any time I would talk to anyone, I would just act all sad and depressed.

So when I kissed her before leaving her house, not only did it surprise her, but it also surprised me. I was just going to kiss her on the top of her head, but at the last second, I decided to just go for it.

I didn't want to see her reaction, so the best thing I could do was just bolt out of there as quick as possible. I heard her call my name out from behind, and even though I wanted to turn around so badly, I didn't want the possibility of our friendship being ruined to happen, so I just ignored it. I figured that she wanted to tell me off for kissing her and that would be the end our friendship, but I honestly didn't want to know how she felt about it right now.

I decided to drive around for a while, just to clear my mind. I decided to drive up the coast and head to the lookout spot I've heard people at my school talk about. It was about a fifteen-minute drive outside of town. When I finally arrived there, I was relieved that no one was there, which allowed me to just park up there and look out at the view.

I was honestly scared that I was letting myself develop such strong feelings for Sydney. I wasn't scared to let her go, I was scared that she wouldn't like me in that way.

I wouldn't say I'm scared of rejection but if you asked anyone else, they would. I've spent my whole life pretty much alone, I've spent it overthinking so many things that any other person wouldn't overthink. So, no surprise that this is one of the things that I'm overthinking.

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