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A/N: Heyy! This is definitely my favorite chapter I have written so far! <3


Sydney's POV

When I got that text from Harry, I got confused. He kisses me, then runs out of my house, then he says he is fine, but now he wants to talk. But of course I'm going to say that we can talk. I also had thought I would have until tomorrow to calm my nerves for some reasons that I had. But when I got that email from the S.L.A, I figured I need to talk to Mrs. Carver and ask her if she knows anything about it. So I had to ask Harry if he could meet tonight.

I was kind of excited to show him the tree because it's a spot where we hang out all the time. Allison and I usually come up to this tree if we don't go down to the cove. It's a very beautiful and romantic spot, covered in flowers. I had a date here once, we sat under the tree and watched the stars until about one in the morning.

When I got to the tree, I saw him walking towards it from the opposite direction. Then I noticed that he stopped and pretended to tie his shoes, to which I chuckled a little at. I guess he decided pretending to tie his shoe for five minutes was enough because he finally stood up and headed over here.

"Hey." He says once he got over here.

"Hey." I reply back.

"So um, thanks for talking." He replies while rubbing the back of his neck. I could tell her was nervous for some reason.

"Oh yeah, no problem." I respond back to him. There was a couple seconds of silence before I decided to break it with saying,

"So, wh-what did you want to talk about"

"Oh, um," He begins to say with a chuckle, "Well, I just wanted to talk about the project."

"Oh," I say with a hint of disappointment in my voice, "What did you want to talk about?"

"I wanted to know if you would read my essay?" He says to me.

"Oh, yeah, sure," I say back to him, "Just bring it to class tomorrow."

"Ok, I'll see you tomorrow I guess." He murmurs to which I nod to. I wave at him and we both turn around to head back to our homes. I don't know what I was thinking he would want to talk to me about, maybe there was that small hope inside of me that he wanted to tell me why he kissed me. I don't know why he would want to meet up with me just to ask me if I could read his essay, he could have easily just asked me over text. I swear, sometimes I just don't understa-

"Sydney!" I hear a voice call out. I turn around and see Harry jogging back over to the tree.

"What?" I ask him.

"Tha- that's not what I wanted to talk to you about." He replies back to me.

"Oh, what was it then?" I ask him. I can see he takes a deep breath and then proceeds to say.

"Well, um, growing up I didn't allow myself to make friends. I didn't allow myself to learn about people because I was always moving and I knew that when the time came that I was moving, it would be hard to let those friends go." He explains to me.

"Ok? Is that it?" I ask further.

"No, just please, let me explain this." He says back to me, and I nod indicating that I would.

"Thanks. So knowing I wouldn't be moving anymore, I was allowing myself to make friends this year. So that's when I met Niall, Liam, Louis, and Zayn. I actually learned more about them, like how Niall loves basketball and Zayn loves art. I realized that I want to learn more about you too, not just them. I want to spend time with you because you are always on mind. Every time I close my eyes all I see is you. I just want to get to know you."

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