Chapter 11

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Me and Dimitri were both woken up by loud banging at the door, the noise sent shivers up my body as I feared the worst. Me and Dimitri had fallen asleep on the couch lying top and tail, I hadn't even realised that I was going to fall asleep when I did! Dimitri head snapped up and he looked at the clock

"6:15, who would bang that loud at quarter past 6 in the morning?" I felt tears come to my eyes and Dimitri must have noticed because it put him into protective mode. He got up from the couch and stood up

"What if it's....." Dimitri didn't let me finish my sentence, he nealt infront of me and put his hand on my shoulder

"If it's him I won't let him hurt you. I promise." I nodded my head slowly and stood up as well. The banging got louder and I could tell the person on the other side was getting angrier, I instantly knew that this was Jesse,memo else could have a temper this bad?

"Rose, go into the kitchen and don't come out until I come and get you." Dimitri's voice was strong and powerful, I knew he was taking the leader role in this situation and to be honest, I didn't mind! I nodded my head and ran into the kitchen closing the door behind me. I decided that I wanted to no what was going on so I opened the door a tiny bit so I could peep into the living room. Dimitri's front door was in the living room so I understood why he told me to get out, if it really was Jesse, and I had no doubt that it was, it wasn't the best idea for me to be in the same room as him.

Dimitri walked up to the door and opened it, leaving it still on the chain so the person couldn't get inside. I couldn't see who was at the door because of the way I was looking in on the room but as soon as I heard his voice i felt weak.

"Where is Rose? I no she's here, I tracked her phone." I wanted to throw up, not because I was ill, but because I was scared. I knew what Jesse was capable of, he might of looked innocent and like a gentleman, but I knew that if I didn't do as I was told something bad would happen to me.

"Rose is out." Said Dimitri. I knew that would only make Jesse angrier but there was nothing I could do.

"I swear to god if you don't let me in the next time I see Rose I will....." I didn't want to no what Jesse said it would only make me even more scared than I actually was. I closed the door and ran to the other side of the room, hoping that the distance wouldn't allow me to hear his horrible words. "And when I'm done with her there won't be anything left for you to protect." Was the last thing I heard before I put my hands over my ears. Even though the door was shut and there was about 20 feet between me and Jesse I could still hear the low hum of his voice, even that was enough to make me weep.

I looked around the kitchen hoping to find something I could protect myself with, the first thing my mind thought of was a knife, luckily Dimitri was a great cook and liked to have all the equipment so it didn't suprise me when I saw a big chefs knife, I ran over to it and picked it up. Grasping the knife handle in my hands I opened the door slightly and walked inside of the living room not even thinking about what Dimitri had told me to do.

"What do you want Jesse?" I asked loudly getting the attention of both men. Dimitri turned around and shook his head

"Rose get back in the kitchen." he ordered, I shook my head and walked forward

"What do you want Jesse?" I asked again.


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