Chapter 17

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A few days had passed by the time I had convinced myself that I was brave enough to tell Lissa, I wasn't scared or anything, I just didn't want her to be upset for me. Me and Lissa had always looked out for each other, her mother used to make up stories and tell us that we were bonded, that only the bestest of friends were! In a way we sort of were, we could always tell when the other was upset and we knew how to make it better, which is probably why Lissa has been non stop ringing me ever since she returned. I have been getting hundreds of messages asking to meet her or at least talk to her and only now have I returned one!

Lissa wanted me to meet her at our favourite cafe, ever since we had been old enough to go into town on our own we had came here, all the staff knew us and we even had a close friend that worked here. Mia was around the same age as us, she had blonde curly hair and was quite short compared to Lissa and even me!

I was the first to arrive at the cafe so I sat down at our usual table and ordered a hot chocolate, she arrived around 5 minutes after I did. As soon as she walked in she spotted me and gave me a hug, only a short one because she was too busy shouting at me for ignoring her. Although when I say shouting I don't mean angrily I just mean that she was in a mood with me.

"Lissa I'm sorry, it's just I've been so busy and all. But I have some good news." I said. Lissa lightened up a bit. She had always loved a bit of gossip!

"What's happened?" She said.

"Well when I say good news, I only mean half of what I'm going to say is good. The other half is not so much" Lissa nodded.

"Okay tell me before I die of old age!" I laughed and began to tell her what happened.

I told her about falling down the stairs and then going out to dinner, i told her how I ran out on him and stayed with Dimitri, I told her how he came to Dimitri's house, but I didn't tell her about me being pregnant. I couldn't bring myself to do it, that's when I realised that I wasn't afraid of her being worried, I was afraid that she would be ashamed of me.

Lissa's life was near perfect. She had a loving husband, a great house and lots of money, the only thing wrong was that her parents and brother had died when she was 15. I was ashamed that I didn't have any of that and I was pregnant, not alone that the father was my abusing ex boyfriend, I had failed at life and I knew it.

Once I had finished Lissa seemed to be expecting me to go on, she knew I wasn't telling her everything.

"Rose, is that is? What about the not so good bit?" I shook my head

"I told you everything!" I said calmly, I presented to check my phone "oh Dimitri wants me to go back for a bit, ill see you soon?" I asked. Lissa looked a bit upset but I tried to ignore it, if I dwelled on it too long it would only upset me aswell.

"Okay." she said, sounding defeated.

On the drive back to Dimitri's house I couldn't help but feel bad, me and Lissa had always told each other everything, I felt terrible that she wasn't the first person to no that I was pregnant. I had to stop keeping secrets from her, it would only brake our friendship and I couldn't risk loosing her, she's like a sister to me.

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