Chapter 15

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All I wanted to do was leave. I needed to. The contents of my stomach was about to be all over the floor, I didn't need a doctor to tell me I was pregnant, the test had said positive 'they can be wrong' I chanted in my head. But let's be honest, only 1 in like a 100 are wrong, what's the chance that I'm that one? My other option other than leaving was calling Dimitri and asking him to come in with me, half an hour ago I had thought that it was best if I did this on my own, but now there was nothing more I wanted than to have Dimitri by my side and having him tell me everything was okay.

"Rosemarie Hathaway to room 2,14" I stood up and started walking in the direction of the room but soon turned around and started pacing in the hall. I had come to my decision, I took out my phone and dialled Dimitri's number, luckily he picked up on the third ring.

"Rose? What's wrong?" I was silent for a second but soon found the courage to speak through my tears

"Dimitri, can you come in with me. I know I said I wanted to do it alone but I can't, the thought of finding out weather I'm pregnant with that monsters baby on my own is horrifying."

"Of course, where are you?" I told him where I was and put the phone down, the speaker said my name again and I began to get impatient, I needed to go now but I wasn't going without Dimitri, I couldn't.

A few minutes later and Dimitri ran around the corner "come on" he said "I heard your name being called 4 times on my way over!" I laughed as much as I could in a time like this and we both ran to room 2,14. When we arrived the doctor was waiting outside her door patiently

"Hi, I'm so sorry I'm late" I said, she nodded her head and smiled

"Don't worry. I'm Dr Olenski, I'll be taking your ultrasound." I gulped and she walked us into the room, "if you would just take a seat and you" she said looking at Dimitri can take the seat next to the bed"we both nodded and did as he doctor ordered. I raised my shirt so she could get to my stomach and lay back onto the bed. I couldn't help but notice the way Dimitri looked at me when I raised my shirt, I could almost see a tint of longing in his eyes, but that was the least of my problems now.

"I'm going to apply some of this gel onto your stomach, I warm you it might be a little cold." A little was an understatement, the gel was FREEZING it felt like someone had poured ice water onto my belly!

She messed around with her monitor for a minute and then bought over a device that I was guessing would be the ultrasound, she ran the wand over my bare stomach and investigated the screen, for the minutes that it was silent I felt like I wanted to flee. The silence was killing me, I needed to no if I was going to be a mum or no

"Am I pregnant?" I asked. She took one last look at her screen and turned back to face me

"Congratulation, your going to be a mum." my eyes geared up and I couldn't bare to let Dimitri see me cry again so I jumped off the bed and ran out of the room, wiping my stomach with my sleeve. This could not be happening.


Rose had fled as soon as she heard the news, she was going to be a mum. To be honest I was surprised myself, I had thought that the pregnancy test was wrong, both my sisters had been pregnant and they had been sick every morning until they reached the 5month mark, Rose hadn't been sick once. The doctor looked around. The room awkwardly and I found myself doing the same

"Congratulations, to you both." she said. I probably would have laughed if the situation had been different

"The babies not mine" I said, the doctor gave me a puzzled look "just a concerned friend, in fact I need to go see if Rose is okay!" The doctor nodded and I left to find Rose. I was trying to find one girl in a gigantic hospital, this would be fun!


I ran as fast as my legs would carry me to an empty room, I didn't care that it was dark or cold I just wanted to sit down somewhere and think, I needed to be alone. Maybe my first decision was best, I should have gone there alone so I wouldn't of had to flee out of embarrassment, what had Dimitri got himself into, housing a pregnant women and didn't even no! As soon as lissa was back I would ask to stay with her, she always said her house was big enough for all of us, I just hope she meant it. I wrapped my arms around my legs and cried, I cried like I hadn't cried in weeks. I cried about my baby, I cried bout my failing photography dream and I cried about not having my own home. After a while I ran out of important things to cry about and ended up crying about getting fat because the baby would grow.

Soon I ran out of tears and decided to go to the nursery, I wanted to see what I was getting myself into. I walked down the halls and followed the sighs until I found myself in the maternity ward, I stopped outside of a window and looked inside, about 6 babies were placed in cribs sleeping, a nurse was walking around checking on the babies to make sure they were safe. They looked peaceful as they slept and I couldn't help but smile at one baby that was wide away in the corner of the room crying, the nurse tried her best to shush the baby but it wouldn't, that's when she noticed me. She gave me a hard glare but noticed my crying face and it faded, she walked out to me and spoke

"Is one of them your?" I shook my head

"No. But I just found out that ones going to be soon." She smiled

"Congratulations!" She cheered, I couldn't help but grimace, the nurse was trying to be nice but it was only irritating me!

"I don't think I can do it." She put a reassuring hand on my shoulder

"To tell you a secret, all the best moms thought that, and then you look at your baby and your maternal instincts kick in, it's like a second nature!" I lifted my head and smiled

"Are you a mum?" The nurse pulled out her purse from her pocket and dug inside picking out three picture

"Yes. Meet Keegan, Ally and Rose!" I smiled

"Me and your daughter share the same name!" The nurse laughed

"Hi Rose, I'm Mia!"

Me and Mia chatted for a while and she gave me some advice about my pregnancy and what vitamins to take, at the end of our chat we exchanged numbers and she made me promise to keep in touch and tell me how my pregnancy was going, I told her I would and we parted ways. I felt bad for leaving Dimitri so I took out my phone and called him

"Rose, where are you?" He said frantically

"I'm so sorry I left you, I'll meet you at the car?" Dimitri said yes and we both ended the call, now to go and talk to Dimitri and explain why I fled!

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