Chapter 9

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As i walked into the living room i saw a figure sat on the couch watching tv, whoever this was, surely they were friendly with Dimitri, you wouldn't just walk into a strangers house and watch tv. If this was a burglar they would have made more mess and stolen things.

I walked forward but tripped over a wire and made a small noise causing the person to turn around and face me.

"Who are you!" The voice asked.


I froze in the spot i was stood in, the women looking back at me was truly beautiful despite the scar on her face, she had raven black, pin straight hair, piercing blue eyes and rosie red lips. If it wasn't for the scar on her cheek i would of said she was perfect, the scar went from underneath her eye to just above her lips. It obviously wasn't a fairly new scar because it had blended into her face and was almost the same colour as the rest of her face.

"Im talking to you, answer me!" She demanded "who are you?" I cleared my throat and tightened my grip on my towel, the last thing i needed was for it to fall down!

"Im Rose" I said quietly. This didn't seem to satisfy the women so instead she stood up from the chair and towered over me, i was only 5'6 so it wasn't hard!

"What are you doing in Dimitri's his towel?" I looked up into the women's eyes and was shocked to see how much anger they held, Dimitri had said he didn't have a girlfriend, so unless he was lying she was just oddly over protective of her friend.

"Dimitri said i could stay here, and im wearing a towel because i just took a shower." Saying Dimitri's name seemed to make her even more annoyed

"Dimitri said you could stay?" She sounded almost hurt by this, i nodded my head "and he also said you could have a shower or did you just think you could walt around his apartment and help yourself to anything you want?" I was sick of her speaking to me how she was

"Actually Dimitri said i could have a shower so i could change into some of his clean clothes AND he did say to make myself comfy WHICH is none of your buisness. If you don't believe me you can ask him yourself! The women looked surprised by my sudden outburst.

"Fine. I will ask him." The women pulled out her phone from her pocket and started messing around with the buttons, a few seconds later she was talking into it asking if he had actually said i could stay here!

I walked out of the living room and back into the bathroom so i could quickly get ready. I wondered why Dimitri had let that women into his house, or if he even knew she had came here, was she some crazy ex girlfriend, she certainly looked crazy to me. Anyone with eyes that blue had to be too good to be true!

I pulled Dimitri's clothes on and tied my hair into a messy bun, i tidied up behind me not wanting to ruin Dimitri's perfect bathroom and walked back into the women who was still on the phone to Dimitri.

After a few minutes she put the phone down and turned her attention back to me "Dimitri will be home in half an hour to speak to you, he sounded annoyed!" My heart sunk, was i actually supposed to be here, had i misunderstood what he said? Tasha grinned and perked herself back onto the couch "Dimitri is quite scary when he is angry so i would be scared if i was you!" She teased. I could tell me and this women wasn't going to get along!

After 30 excruciating minutes the door opened and an annoyed looking Dimitri walked in, he threw his bag on the floor and walked straight into the kitchen, i heard the kettle start to boil and then he came into the living room. I walked straight up to him and started to apologise before he could shout

"Im so sorry, i thought you said i could have a shower, i didn't realise you wanted me to leave, I misunderstood what you sa--" Dimitri looked confused, he stopped walking

"What are you on about?" He asked.

"The women said you was annoyed so i presumed I misunderstood what you said and wasn't supposed to be here. Am i supposed to be?" He nodded

"Yeah. I said you could stay as long as you wanted. What im annoyed about is Tasha is here still after i have told her time and time again that she needs to call before she turns up and uses the spare key that i hide for emergencies!" I let out a breathe i didn't no i was holding

"Thank god! I thought i was going to be in trouble!" Dimitri chuckled

"Why would you be in trouble? I said you could stay here as long as you wanted and i meant it. If Tasha said anything its only because she is jealous that your here and not her." I tilted my head because i was confused

"Why would she be here instead of me? I dont mean to be nosy!"

"Tasha has a little crush on me and is always hoping that one day we will be together, but i have known her since we were children so the feelings could never be returned" i nodded showing him that i was listening

"And where does that include me?" I asked.

"Probably because she thinks there is something going on, even though there isn't!" For some reason this hurt, i wasnt sure why but knowing he didnt want anything to happen make my heart ache. Did i like Dimitri?

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