Chapter 20

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"Come on Rose, talk to me." she begged, I looked up at her and smiled weakly

"Im pregnant." I whispered, Lissa fell to my side and hugged me

"Oh my god. Jesse?" She asked, I nodded my head weakly

"I felt so bad today when I didn't tell you but I just couldn't, I didn't want you to be disappointed in me." Lissa gasped slightly

"Why would I be disappointed?" She sounded hurt

"Because you have everything, and I have, well nothing now." a lonely tear escaped my eye

"What do you mean now?" I raised my head

"What?" I asked, confused

"You said you have nothing now, what did you think you had?" I gulped

"The man who helped me, he said that he would help me. I started to fall for him Lissa and he hurt me, he lead me on then stomped on my heart." More tears escaped my eyes

"Arh sweety" she wrapped me in her arms and held me close to her "how far along are you?" I shrugged my shoulders

"Around 2 months, I'm not quite showing yet." Lissa rubbed my shoulder as she pulled away, even though we weren't hugging still I could feel her comfort as she stroked my hair with her other hand.

"I can tell. So I have a spare room that you will be staying in, we will try and get you sorted and I'll help you out a little." I shook my head

"I can't take your money." I said, she smiled

"I haven't told you this until now because you never needed it but my mother and father left you some money in there will, it should help buy an apartment for yourself and as long as you get a good job you can sort yourself out." I smiled

"Your parents really did that?" I asked, I already knew the answer, yes. Lissa's parents were such nice people and I knew they saw me as one of there own, even though I wasn't blood related I might as well of been.

"Yes. They loved you just as much as they loved me, you didn't quite get as much as me but they left you 25 thousand dollars withy requests that you only use it when you really need it. This is as good of time as any!" I gasped

"$25,000? I can't accept that! I thought you meant they left me a couple of hundred not a couple 10 thousands!" Lissa laughed

"They loved you Rose, and they wouldn't have it any other way. They worked hard for what they earned in life, they would of wanted there wealth to go to us." Although I wasn't quite entirely sure what Lissa's parents did for a living I knew it was something to do with the queen. "Get your things sorted in the room and we will go shopping for some clothes later on or tomorrow, I haven't got any that will fit your curves." she tried to make a joke but I had the feeling she was also referring to my baby bump that was going to appear in a month or two.

I placed my camera on the table next to my bed and put my toiletries in the bathroom, that was about as much as I had. I made the promise to myself that I would look for a house to rent and a stable job that would pay well. There was nothing stopping me from pursuing my dream of becoming a photographer, I could take little jobs here and there which would also bring in more money.

Yet again I had been saved by Lissa's family, this seemed to be happening a lot in my life.

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