Chapter 12

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"What do you want Jesse?" I repeated

Jesse got as close to the door as possible "Rose I need you, I haven't slept since you left, I need you back in my life baby" Jesse was a very good actor, I knew this because of the way he used to convince me that nobody else would love me, or tell me that I was worthless.

My mind instantly went back to when me and Jesse had been arguing one of the nights and I had tried to leave, he sat by the front door blocking my exit.


"How could you do that, how could you hit the person you claim to love, you sicken me." I almost spat my words out as I spoke to him, this had been when I wasn't afraid of Jesse, this was just the start of his wicked ways.

"I did it because you deserve it, you get me mad, you make me so angry that I can't control my actions." I shrivelled under his glare, he had stood up from the couch and used his height against me. Jesse was almost a foot taller me, but that wasn't hard since I was only 5'3. "And if you don't watch yourself it might happen again, but worse!" I tried my best not to show any weakness on my face, I needed to stand up for myself, but that was hard when you were scared of the person!

"You don't scare me" I said with as much courage I could muster "you hide behind your height and words but I no you would never truly hurt me" Jesse smirked and raised his fist up to my face, hitting me square in the nose. The shock of it all made me fall to the floor, I reached for my nose and pinched the tip to try and make it stop bleeding, I knew it wasn't broken because luckily I didn't hear it crunch!

"Pathetic. One hit and your on the floor." I shook my head and tried to get some energy to stand up, I let go of my nose and used my arms to pull me up using the counter top.

"I'm leaving, I deserve better than this." I gave him my coldest glare "than you" Jesse shook his head and smirked

"Where will you go? Your mother ran out on you, you have no idea who your dad is and all your friends are scared of me! Nobody will ever love you Rose, your not worth the trouble. You might as well just sit down and shut up, your not going any where anytime soon!" This time it was me who shook my head

"Your wrong I could go to a hotel or something, I could get an actual job and make a living for myself." I started walking towards the door but Jesse grabbed my arm and pulled me back.

"Where do you think your going?" Jesse threw me to the other side of the room causing me to fall down again and twist my anckle, to be honest I didn't have enough energy to get back up and fight about this but obviously Jesse thought different because he sat by the door and blocked my exit "incase you get any ides." He stated.

End of flashback:

Remembering that day made me angry, not just at Jesse but also at myself. Why hadn't I kept on fighting and got myself out of there? Why had I let him control me again? I shook my head and stormed forward, I unlocked the door and moved Dimitri out of my way

"Rose what are you...." I cut him off before he could finish

"Just trust me, Ive got this!" I opened the door fully and threw the knife to the floor, Jesse looked surprised but tried to take a step inside the house

"I'm so glad you forgive me baby!" I shook my head and smirked the same way he had that day

"Do you remember when I tried to leave? The day you punched me and threw me to the floor? The day you guarded the door so I couldn't leave?" Jesse looked stunned

"I told you how sorry I was for that, I thought you forgive me?" I shook my head

"Everything you have done to me, I will never forgive your for! You beat and used me like a punchbag!" I smiled one of my man eating smiles "now it's your turn to no what it's like!" Jesse looked even more confused than before

"What do you mean?" I didn't bother answer his question instead I raised my hand and punched him like he did to me, Jesse staggered backwards but caught himself before he fell

"That's for the day you blocked me from leaving and..." I punched his again "that's for the time you made me fall down the stairs!" I had never told anyone what I was about to say but I guessed it would hurt him just as much as it hurts me telling him. I punched his one more time and he fell to the floor clutching his nose like I did "that's for the baby you will never meet!" I slammed the door on Jesse and put the chain back on so he wouldn't be able to get back in.

As I turned around Dimitri's mouth was hung open "your pregnant!"


Don't hate me but I left another cliff hanger! Vote and comment for the next bit xox

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