Chapter 16

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The car journey home was brutal, the silence was killing me just as much as I knew it was killing Dimitri, i was sick of him treating me like I was gonna break, ever since I had got back to the car he looked like he was treading on thin ice.

"Cut the crap Dimitri, ask me everything you wanna no!" I said, Dimitri looked shocked for a moment

"I just want to make sure your okay?" I huffed

"I'm fine, like I told you when I got back to the car and like I told you every five minutes of the journey, I'm completely fine I've had my cry and now I'm ready to accept that I need to get my life on track so I can be a mum!" I said a bit too loudly, I buried my face in my hands. "I don't think I'm as ready as I thought I was!" Dimitri chuckled and slowed down the car, he pulled into a parking lot and turned to face me

"Do you want a hug?" He asked, I nodded my head and leant my head on his shoulder as he rubbed my back and whispered in my ear, I didn't even care that I didn't understand because in that moment because it was so nice to hear Dimitri speak in his native tongue.

"What am I going to do?" I cried "I don't have anyone and now I'm becoming a mum" Dimitri pulled away but kept his hands on my shoulders

"Rose, you have me." and as I looked into his eyes I knew he was serious, Dimitri truly was on my side, he would help and protect me from whatever was bothering me. He truly was a God! "And your not leaving my house until you have a job and I'm sure your going to be okay." I smiled

"Dimitri I have a job, I'm not that bad!" I chuckled and pulled my camera out of my bag "I already told you, I'm a photographer, it's not much but it's something." Dimitri nodded

"Oh yes, but I need to no your going to be able to support this baby and give him or her everything they need. And until you can do that by yourself im going to help." I looked up at Dimitri in disbelief

"Why?" I asked "why would you do that?" Dimitri smiled and pulled me into another hug

"Because that's what friends are for." friends. Well that hurt! I guess he didn't like pregnant girls!

"Thankyou." I said as I smiled into his chest.

The ride home went fast after that, I guess time really does slow when your nervous. Hearing Dimitri tell me that he had my back was a relief, he truly was a life saver! I could count on him whenever I needed him and would be sure he wouldn't let me down, just like Lissa.

As I thought of Lissa I realised just how much I needed to tell her, I needed to tell her that I had left Jesse, I was living with Dimitri and that I was pregnant! She was gonna freak, Lissa was the kind of person who always had a plan, find someone, get married then have a baby, she was very old fashioned when it came to that.

Me and Dimitri walked into his apartment and the first thing that he did was put the kettle on, since I had been here I had noticed that was always what he did first when he got home! He shuffled around in the kitchen then came into the living room with two steamy cups of hot chocolate, one for me and one for him.

"I remember when my sister was pregnant and she couldn't have caffeine so I did you this instead." I smiled and took a long sip of the warm liquid, delicious as always, Dimitri always made the best hot chocolate I had yet to find out his secret. After a few minutes of silence I sat my finished cup on the table and turned to Dimitri.

"I'm sorry for snapping at you earlier, it was just so much to take in." Dimitri shook his head

"You really need to stop apologising, there is nothing to be sorry for!" He pulled me so I was sat down next to him "I understand that I was asking you if you was okay too much and I understand that you probably got annoyed but I just needed to make sure you was okay. I hate seeing you upset." I smiled and pulled Dimitri in for a hug

"I don't no what I would do without you!" I chuckled softly into Dimitri's chest "you truly are my hero." This earned a laugh from Dimitri.

"I don't no what I would do without you either." He whispered, a flood of emotions crashed through my body, happiness, sadness, joy, lust, there was so many it was hard to keep track of them! In that moment though, I knew I truly meant what I said. Dimitri Belikov was my hero!

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