Chapter 14

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An hour later and there was a knock at the door, his time it didn't alert us like it did when Jesse was banging on the door because the knocks were soft but loud at the same time!

"That will be my sister." Dimitri walked over to the door and unlocked it revealing a women version of Dimitri, his little sister looked exactly like him, the same colour hair and eyes, she was tall aswell but no where near as tall as Dimitri and she had the same build as him, she was tall and strong.

"So you must be Rose?" She said walking into the living room "I'm Viktoria, Dimkas youngest sister!" She walked over to the couch and out her arms around me, she was fast so she caught me off guard causing me to flinch which hurt my shoulder. I had taken my sling off yesterday and made the promise to myself to be careful. I breathed in and clenched my teeth trying to bite through the pain but it only bought tears to my eyes, when she pulled away she noticed and a look of horror flashed through her face

"Did I hurt you?" I took a deep breathe

"No. Well yes, but it wasn't your fault, I fell down the stairs a week ago and I've only just taken my sling off, it's recovering." She sat down next to me and put her hand on my arm

"I am so sorry. Dimka is she gonna be okay?" Dimitri had walked into the kitchen to make his sister a drink and when he returned he looked at me and then his sister, he obviously noticed my pain because I can't ever hide it from him!

"Vik what did you do?" Viktoria looked apologetically at me and then answered his question

"I gave her a hug and hurt her shoulder."she lowered her head to hide from her brothers glare

"You need to be more careful...." I cut him off before he could say anything else

"Dimitri it's fine, she didn't no." Dimitri nodded and then changed the subject

"Did you bring the clothes." This seemed to lighten Viktorias mood because she stood up and smiled

"Yes. I bought loads outfits so it should last you a few weeks, if you need anymore just ask me." I smiled gratefully

"Thank you but you didn't have to give me that many, I could always call Lissa to borrow some of hers?" Viktoria shook her head

"No it's no problem, I was going to throw them away, I've just bought loads of new ones and I needed room for them. So you actually did me a favour!" I laughed and she ran out of the door and picked up several carrier bags full of clothes and a few shoes "here, remember if you need some more just ask!" I nodded and she handed them over to me

"Thank you!" I said, I looked over at Dimitri and he looked shocked "what!?" I asked

"How can one girl get rid of that many clothes, I don't even think I own that much and she still has loads in her wardrobe. Are you normally like this?" I nodded

"My best friend, Lissa,ins a fashion freak, she's always taking me out shopping, when I'm aloud" my voice dipped at the end as I remembered all of the times Jesse wouldn't let me leave the house, as I started to go back into a flashback Dimitri cleared his throat and silently asked me a question with his eyes 'are you okay?' I nodded my head and he smiled slightly

"Okay" Viktoria said "Dimitri said you had to go out so I'll be off, it was nice meeting you Rose, hopefully I'll see you soon? She asked, I nodded my head and she gently gave me a hug being as careful as possible around my shoulder which I was grateful for

"Bye" I said, she waved to me and Dimitri and then closed the door.


Dimitri showed me to the guest room and helped me carry the bags over to the empty wardrobe "hangers are already in there do all you need to do is hand them up, but for now just get changed and you can do it when we get back." I nodded and Dimitri left the room giving me some privacy to get changed.

I picked out some dark skinny jeans and a red vest top and put on a sweater incase I got cold.

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