Chapter 8

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After Dimitri went to work i didn't no what to do, i was alone in a strangers house. I lay in bed for an hour and then decided to take a shower, Dimitri had said i could use it so why not! I picked up the clean clothes he had left me and walked to the bathroom.

As i entered the pure white room, i looked around. Surely a man couldn't live here, it was way to clean. I hate to rely on stereotypes but i always expected a males bathroom to have dirty clothes falling out of the hamper and towels on the floor. But no, the clothes were in the hamper and there wasn't a dirty towel in sight!

I put the clothes and towel on the floor near the shower and stripped down and turned the shower on. The water was relaxing on my back, all of the bruises and bashes felt as if they were slowly going away as the water trickled down my back, i felt revived.

When i was finished i reached out of the shower and grabbed the towel, i wrapped it around my body as i got out and begin to dry myself.

When i was almost dry i heard a noise coming from the living room, i wrapped my towel around my boy so i was covered up and stuck my head around the door

"Hello!" I shouted, i wasn't really expecting anyone to answer i just wanted to let them no there was someone else in the house. I slowly made my way to the kitchen so i could grab a pan or something to defend myself with. I grabbed the first thing i could see and walked around the kitchen island and into the living room.

As i walked into the living room i saw a figure sat on the couch watching tv, whoever this was, surely they were friendly with Dimitri, you wouldn't just walk into a strangers house and watch tv. If this was a burglar they would have made more mess and stolen things.

I walked forward but tripped over a wire and made a small noise causing the person to turn around and face me.

"Who are you!" The voice asked.


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