Chapter 2

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I had been taken into hospital and told i had a mild concussion and broken my collarbone, i had taken such an impact on the wooden floor that my whole body from the waist up had gone numb which is why i couldn't feel that much pain. I had been released from the hospital the same day with my arm in a sling supporting my shoulder, i had one bruise on my chin from where i must of hit it on my way down and my back was a bit sore from the impact but other than that i was fine. Jesse had stayed with me in the hospital, probably to make sure i didn't tell them what really happened, and then he drove me home.

Mine and Jesses apartment didnt seem like home, it felt like a prison. I felt trapped as soon as i entered the front door, i knew if i annoyed Jesse there was no escaping whatever harm he would do to me.

Jesse unlocked the door and let me inside, instead of waiting for him to start conversation i walked into the kitchen to make myself a drink, i didn't bother looking behind me to see if he had followed me because i could sense him behind me.
"Thank You for not saying anything." He said, he walked around so he was directly in my line of vision. When he realised i didn't want to talk, he huffed and walked away. I was lucky that he hadn't gotten annoyed by my lack of conversation but i had the feeling he wouldn't do anything to me while i had proof of falling, or being pushed.

A few hours later when i was resting in out room Jesse walked in and sat at the bottom of the bed "Get ready" he said "We are going out for a meal" i sent him a questionable look and he shook his head "dont ask questions. We are just going out for dinner." He was grovelling, he still thinks i would go to the police and report him, he is trying to convince me that he still loves me. I could almost laugh at how typical this is of him, almost. Laughing involves me moving my shoulder and i can only imagine that it would be painful.

So instead i listen and start getting ready, half an hour later I'm happy with my appearance, well except the fact that i have a sling around my shoulder. Jesse waits for me in the car as i make the finishing touches and a beep of his horn tells me he is getting impatient. I hurry downstairs and put my shoes on and leave for the car, locking the door behind me.

I get inside the car and turn to look at Jesse "Where are we going?" I ask. I cant help but notice that is the first thing I've said to him since the accident.
"Its a surprise" he says in response, he starts the car and pulls out of our drive. I know its just a cover but he seems so normal now, like he was before college, i actually believe for a minute that he isn't going to hurt me again and that he has changed, but i know I'm wrong. You can see it in his eyes, the anger waiting to come out, the anger waiting to release itself on somebody, most likely me. I shake the thoughts of any beatings I'm going to receive later tonight and try to concentrate on the road ahead of me. Jesse is driving fairly quick but still manages to stay in the speed limit so it isn't that bad.

Once we arrive at the restaurant Jesse walks around to my side of the car to open the door for me, such a nice move for a horrid man. I smiled politely and take his hand as he leads me into the restaurant, i cant help but feel the sickening feeling i always feel around Jesse. He disgusts me.

He talks to one of the members of staff and we are soon placed at one of the nicest tables in the restaurant.

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