Chapter 21

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I had been staying at Lissa's for a whole month now and I had finally got settled in, I had bought a whole new wardrobe and a bed, I had been looking for a house to rent and found one in the area, I was due to move in next week. The money that Lissa's parents left had come in handy as I bought myself a brand new camera as a treat and things for the apartment. I had a total of $23,000 left which I would put in the bank and use for rent and emergencies, I had found myself a job as a secretary at a company where many meetings are held so it's very busy and keeps me occupied.

I had grew to love and except that I was pregnant even if the dad was a monster, I was looking forward to having the baby now that I was finally getting myself sorted, it was the final push that I needed. In the time since I left I hadn't spoke to Dimitri at all, he didn't have my number so he had no way of contacting me and I didn't want to speak to him at the moment. Don't get me wrong I wanted to I just didn't want to get hurt again, Lissa had been trying to get me to call him and would sometimes try to steal my phone so that she could arrange it herself but I told her to mind her own business and I would delete his number, to be honest I knew I wouldn't delete it but it was a good threat. Lissa had always interfered in my love life, even before Jesse so it was no surprise that she was trying to take matters into her own hands!

Today I was running late to work so I didn't have time to have my normal morning chat with Lissa even though today I really needed to, I needed her to book me a doctors appointment so I could have a check up but it would have to wait. I ran out of the house and got into Lissa's car, she let me borrow it when I was working which was kind of her!

I sped down the roads and made it there in record time, I was wearing a very smart uniform but I knew I still looked sexy in it, even with my tiny baby bump. I walked to my work station and sat at my chair, it was Monday morning and I had a feeling it was going to be busy, we had a total of 6 rooms booked for meetings today.

The day seemed to drag on, but it probably didn't help that I kept looking at the clock! The more I checked the time the slower it seemed to go, I needed to keep myself occupied so I wouldn't keep staring at it. I got out of my chair and walked around the top floor, I saw people I had no idea even worked here like the new girl that I met named Sydney, she seemed nice and we chatted most of the day. I told her about my pregnancy and she congratulated me even though the circumstances weren't the luckiest, I found myself telling her everything, even about how I had stayed and almost fell for Dimitri, she gave me a hug and told me to stay strong. We both desperately needed to get back to work so we exchanged phone numbers and agreed to meet up soon and talk, she still needed to tell me about the guy she was almost dating!

I sat back at my desk and fiddled with my things to make it look like I was doing something, people were coming out of there meetings so I had to log them out eventually but that was about all I was doing, it was pretty boring. I wanted to be doing something outdoors and active, I hated being inside and trapped. But I knew that I couldn't considering I was pregnant. But the funny thing is, I wouldn't change it for the world.

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