Chapter 10

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"The Intruders"

"I can't let you pass without telling me your intentions," Sasuke told the two strangers covered with black coats.

The strangers did not make a move instead kept glaring at him.

Delta makes a step, but Koji stopped her.

"Don't make reckless movements, Delta. He is someone you can't mess around with," Koji warned her.

"Huh?! And who are you ordering me around? I don't care who the hell he is, but as long as he gets in my way I will not hesitate to destroy him," she boasted.

Delta was someone whose temper was uncontrollable. Koji did not respond to her bickering.

Sasuke kept his stares at them, calculating the situation.

A warm air covered the whole area as heated parties were about to explode. Delta's raging eyes were staring at Sasuke, but Sasuke did not waver.

"Are you after something or someone?" Sasuke asked in his usual cold tone.

"We don't have official business with you, so stay away from us or I will wreck your face if you insist," Delta's threatening approach made Sasuke smirked.

"As if I will let you do that." Sasuke retaliated.

His response made Delta flew into a rage and attacked him.


Koji yelled, but it was a little too late since Delta already take a plunge towards Sasuke.

She threw a punch towards him and he evaded it. To Sasuke's surprise, Delta's arm turned into a weapon and almost crushed his face. He managed to dodge it with a quick pick-up of a kunai from his pouch.

Sasuke pushed her transformed arm and Delta was thrown across the air and landed safely on the ground.

"What the hell is she? A Scientific Ninja Tool?" Sasuke murmured in his head.

"Are you alright, Delta?" Koji asked upon reaching her side.

"Don't interfere, Koji. I will make this bastard beg for his life. He's delaying us from taking back Kawaki," she scowled.

Sasuke was startled upon hearing Kawaki's name and narrowed his eyes.

'It is confirmed that they are after that boy,' Sasuke thought.

Sasuke stood up straight and returned his kunai inside his pouch and he has slowly drawn his sword out from his back.

"This is going to be a tough battle," Sasuke muttered.

Delta smirked at him and took a step forward. Her arm which had turned to be a weapon earlier gone back to its normal shape.

Delta was a cyborg. Her body was made of Scientific Ninja Tools and the reason why she could turn parts of her body into a weapon. In other words, she was designed to be a weapon.


The sound of a door opening startled Sumire. Her eyes were gone wide upon seeing the man behind the door.

"Mr. Gauron?" She said in confusion.

Her eyes were questioning and she was perplexed about what was happening. She suddenly recalled the happenings before she was knocked unconscious.

She was on her way to Katasuke's Lab when someone approached her. Someone who was wearing a black coat. She stopped and made a step backward.

"Who are you?!" She asked the person in front of her, the guy did not respond and kept walking in her direction.

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