Chapter 4

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A dazzling sunrise woke Boruto up. He forgot to cover the windows last night. A fresh yawn came out of his mouth. He stood up and headed his way downstairs. He heard a noise from the kitchen. His mother was cooking for breakfast. Himawari had settled down on the dining table and he saw a very familiar image of someone besides his younger sister who he barely sees at home. His father. He was a bit surprised and a short smile came out from his lips.

"Stupid old man." He muttered.

"Finally, you are awake," Hinata said. Both Naruto and Himawari turned their gaze behind them and greeted Boruto with a smile.

"Yo, Boruto! Good morning, you are just in time for breakfast." His father said. He just approached the table without saying anything.

"Glad to see you here with us for breakfast." He said as he settled down.

"Yeah. I managed to come home for while." His father replied.

"I bet you are not a shadow clone." He muttered.

"I'm the real one 'ttebayo." His father snorted. Boruto smirked.

"That's enough both of you. Let's eat." Hinata interrupted them.

They started picking foods from the low table.

"Hmmm. Mom really cooks well." Naruto said while munching.

Hinata smiled at him. Himawari was silent enjoying the food. Their family looked so happy at the moment. They were complete and enjoying their breakfast.

"There was a strange man who had been arrested by the police, he was roaming around the village last night." Naruto again started the conversation. All of them stared at him.

"A stranger?" Boruto asked.

"Based on the report passed to me last night, the guy was wearing strange clothes and is armed by a gun. He attacked the patrol with his gun. Gladly, the team managed to catch him. He is now in the custody of the Police Unit. I will personally see him later." Naruto said.

"Maybe a terrorist," Boruto muttered.

"So glad that he was already arrested he might have harmed the villagers," Hinata added.

Naruto nodded in agreement.

"You don't have to worry about it anymore," Naruto said in relief.

Hinata sighed and smiled. The two kids stayed silent.

"Do you have any missions today, Boruto?" Naruto asked.

"Nope. But, I have an appointment with Shikadai today." He replied.

"Appointment?" Both Naruto and Hinata asked in confusion.

"Ahh... it's nothing you need to worry about." He said. He then stood up from his seat and walked out of the dining room.

"Are you going now?" Hinata asked him.

"Yup." He replied.

"Be careful out there Boruto." His father shouted.

I am not a kid anymore, old man!

He thought.

He left the house and headed his way to the store he used to hang out with his friends and to where they buy Gemaki cards. He saw Shikadai and Inojin sitting beside the store.

"Yo, Shikadai! Inojin!" He greeted them.

"Oi, Boruto you are late." Shikadai muttered feeling so annoyed.

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