Chapter 6

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"The Man Behind The Scar"

He was confronted by the leader of the village and kept on asking him the same questions and he answered him with the same answers. He seemed to be speaking the truth.

"Do you know this Gauron guy?" Naruto asked Sousuke.

"Yeah. I have known him since I was eight." He replied.

"Tell me about yourself," Naruto asked him again.

"I am Sousuke Sagara, a mercenary. I worked for this anti-terrorist group named Mithril. And my mission is to protect Kaname Chidori from Gauron who is looking after her." he explained.

"Kaname Chidori? Who is that person?" Shikamaru muttered.

"She is currently in the care of that lady," Sousuke added while pointing to Sarada. All of them switched their gaze to Sarada who was silent the whole time. She evaded their stares.

"What's the meaning of this Sarada? Why are you keeping strangers from us?" Naruto blurted.

"Lord Seventh, let me explain my side on this matter," Sarada said with mixed emotions. Boruto stared at her feeling sorry.

"Speak now," Naruto ordered. He waved at Sousuke to stand by for a moment and let Sarada stepped forward.

"I don't have the intention to keep this a secret forever but, Ms. Kaname asked me to not tell anyone about her until she finds Mr. Sousuke and I swore I will tell you immediately when they find each other. I don't see any threats from her and I was convinced to help her instead." She explained.

"Even so they are still strangers and we don't know if they will bring danger to our village or not. You acted all by yourself without telling us, higher-ups." Shikamaru said.

Her head turned down facing the floor. She was so frustrated.

"I apologize for what I have done. I know I am responsible for my actions and face whatever punishment you will impose on me." She said.

"Save that for later, we have a very urgent matter to discuss regarding this Gauron guy." Naruto interrupted them.

"Sousuke, tell me everything about this Gauron and why he is after this Kaname," Naruto said.

"Gauron is a terrorist who looks for powerful weapons. He worked for an unknown terrorist organization that brings conflict to the world. They wanted to change and rule the world. He is after Kaname because she possessed special power and they want to use her for their evil plans.." Sousuke explained.

"Is cross worlds really possible?" Shikamaru said.

"This is an unusual situation. If Gauron is after that person named Kaname, then both of you will stay under the custody of the interrogation unit. You must surrender that person to us Sarada." Naruto muttered. Sarada nodded as a response to him. Sousuke suddenly interrupted Naruto.

"We need to move fast. Where is Gauron right now? If we can't capture him as soon as possible, your village will be in danger. He might have his arm slave here too and we can't do anything about it anymore if he starts attacking." Sousuke revealed.

"Wait, what is this arm slave? I don't understand." Shikamaru asked.

"Arm Slave is a weapon used in combat. It is made from very advanced combat technology. They are mecha weapons designed for battle. I don't have my arm slave here so I can't do anything if Gauron attacks." Sousuke replied.

All of them were puzzled by his statements. Naruto ordered Sarada and Mitsuki to take Kaname to him and both of them took off immediately.

"We left Gauron in the hands of the Tsuchikage. I don't know what happened after Boruto's Team hand over him to Stone ninjas." Naruto explained.

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