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Ok so I barely even remember anything from this dude since its been a good while since I've read the manga(which I really should) But I'll try. Thanks to X-Outcast for the suggestion.


You was trying to have a nice relaxing time, eating away at some of the food Crusty Sean has made but those plans were ruined by a group of morons ranting and raving over how cool Vintage was, he is just like Emperor acting like he is some type of god or something! You rolled your eyes as you took a sip of your drink, so much for a nice day! why can't the universe choose to go bug someone else?!

"Well well well....if it isn't (Y/n) sitting here all by his/herself. What's wrong? Have nobody that is worth of your loser time? I'm sure there are many others who are on the same level as you are to talk to" Vintage said to you but you continued to ignore him, he really is not worth your time and speaking to him will just stroke his ego. So you just decided to keep quiet, finish the rest of your sandwich, and then went to go toss it in the trash once you finished. 

You began to walk away from the annoying group when you felt someone grab your wrist 'Now now Y/n, isn't rude to ignore someone?  But I do understand that someone of your lvl would feel threaten to talk to someone like me" he said with a smirk. 'that's it! I am going to wipe the floor with him!' you thought as you ripped your arm from his grip "" you told him with a glare and he just laughs "You? a person who doesn't even play rank? challenging me?!....Alright I will take you up on that offer. And since I wish to humiliate you more, how about a deal?" he said as you rose an eyebrow, signaling for him to continue "The loser have to become the winner's pet for a full you agree~?" he said in a smug tone, this bastard really thinks he is going to win huh? I shook his hand in agreement as the two of us, and his annoying fans, followed us to the deca tower.

-Timeskip to you kicking ass-

Mrow mrow mow!(the winner is...Y/n) Judd announced as he held up the flag of the color you were sporting at the time.  Half of the others were cheering while others were flabbergasted over what had happened. "This....this is impossible! there is no way a low rank player like YOU beating me!"  he said as he glared at you, to which you rolled your eyes "You always talk shit about how everyone is 'below you' or how they are trash but never has the balls to actually fight them... also I never said I was a low rank player nor did I confirm the fact I've never played ranked. In fact I have, I'm X in all of them." You simply said as you began to pack up your weapon up "Next time actually know if someone is not 'worthy' of fighting against you before you get your ass" And with that las sentence you walked away, ignoring all the others rooting for you. 

Vintage stood there...anger, frustration shook him to the core but at the same time, he...liked the way you talked back to him? 'Nobody has ever has the nerve to talk to me like that...Y/n...why....' he shuddered at the words you left him with 'To even call me your pet as you leave too....even giving me a cold, uninterested look in your beautiful eyes as you saw me as low life trash....why.....why do I love it when he/she is so cold towards me... even when I talk to you, you always give me the cold shoulder to nobody else but me!' he smiled over at the area to where you left, even if you were already gone.

"Maybe it's not a bad thing I chose to loose to y/n just so I can be his/her pet~"


I don't know why I decided to go down this direction but hey, now you have a masochistic yandere after you...yay! I MIGHT have a second part to it but that is still in debate.

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