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The picture has nothing to do with the chapter, I just wanted to put it here because how fabulous he looks. WARNING: THIS WILL HAVE RAPEish THEME IN THE STORY NEAR THE END, IF YOU ARE NOT COMFY WITH THAT PLEASE IGNORE THIS CHAPTER!


I was hanging out with my friend Micheal(If that is your name, you can change it) over by Crusty Sean's food truck after having a battle with a team, we won obviously, and decided to go have a victory lunch. Carla and Jon(again if your names, change them) decided to head home for the day so it was just Micheal and I. While eating a familiar face came out of the crowd with his usual goofy smile "HIIIIIII (YYYYYYYYY/NNNNNN)!"

We both looked up at the blue boy "Hey Gog..." Micheal started to say but was cut off by Goggles ignoring him "How are you doing today (Y/n)?" He asked, completely moving in front of Micheal "O-Oh, I have been fine! My team and I won a ranked battle and we are just having a snack from working so hard" I said and Googles smiled "Can I have one? Please~?" He asked and I just laughed, stood up, and made my way over to the truck to order.

But what I didn't hear was the conversation that was going on behind me while I waited for Sean to cook the food "So Goggles...How have you.." Shut up" Micheal blinked in confusion, did he really heard that correctly "I'm sorry, what did you just say to me?" he asked "I told you to 'shut up'! I don't want to hear the shit that comes out of your filthy mouth! Just the fact I am talking to you right now is making me sick." Goggles said while glaring at the other inkling with a lack of emotion.

Micheal glared at him and grabbed Goggles by the front of his shirt(jacket?) "You son of a bitch! where did you get the balls to talk to me like that?!" just then I decided to return back with the food only to see what is going on "Hey! what is going on here?!" I asked and both of them turned to me "(Y/n)! Micheal just decided to yell at me because I asked you to get me some food" Goggles said pretending to cry. Unfortunately for Micheal i believed Goggle and went over to hug him.

"Why were you being so rude to him?! What did he ever do to you?" I asked and Micheal crossed his arms "That little shit told me to shut up and cursed at me!" I rolled my eyes, as if Goggles would say something like that. He must have heard someone else say that and thought it was Goggles "Look I don't think that Goggles would do that, he is one of the nicest squids around here and you know that. Look I am going to take him home ok? I'll talk to you later" And with that I walked away with Goggles to take him home.

(Lazy timeskip)

I decided to take a nice walk in the park,was cooling off after dealing with the nightmare I had to deal with in Salmon Run, those damn smallfries are a pain in the ass! Anyway it was nice out, since the sun is setting its cooling off and not a lot of people are around, just a few here an there either jogging or starting to head home "Hmm, I guess I should head home too" I mumbled to myself and started to head home when a voice called out to me "(Y/n)~"

I turned around to see someone running up to me, it was Goggles. I waited for him to catch up to me but something felt off abut him, and he smelt bad too "Umm Goggles...what's that all over your clothing?" I asked as I pointed to him, It was hard to tell because of the lighting but I could see that his face, clothes, shorts, and shoes were covered in some type of dark liquid "Oh this~, its blood (Y/n)"

I gasped and back away from him, there is no way right? he's just pulling a prank on me! "Ha..Ha... very funny Goggles. Your joke got me" I said but he just shook his head, keeping the small calm smile on his face "I am not joking, its the real deal! I killed your friend Micheal, stabbed him about 20 times until he stopped moving! And it did took a lot of stabs until he stopped trying to run, see?~" He then pulled out a knife that was covered in blood, he wasn't lying!

"How...HOW COULD YOU?!" I shouted at the blue boy but he just kept smiling "Because I needed to, he was mean and needed to be taken care of silly" I couldn't believe this, he is acting like this is a normal thing!  "You're a monster! I'm going to call the cops" I said as I pulled out my phone but was stopped when Goggles grabbed my arm and tightened his grip on my wrist, causing me to drop the phone. "Now now (Y/n) you don't want to do that. Besides there was a reason I came here to see you" 

I tried to pull myself out of his grip but he is a lot stronger than he looks! Before I had a chance to make a move, I felt myself being pinned to a tree "Damn it Goggles, let me go right now or..." "Or you'll what? as far as i can see, you're at a disadvantage (Y/n), NOBODY is here but us anymore and you certainly cannot call for help since I made you drop your phone and anyone's home is nearly not close enough to scream for help" I glared at him, he knew he was right but I refused to allow him to get away with this! "Just what the hell do you want?!"

It probably was best to not ask that question because the 'response' I got was a forced kiss, it only lasted a few seconds until he pulled away "I came here to play with you silly~" he said and kissed me again, this time more roughly. I can't believe this is even happening, my best friend was killed because this monster killed him! And yet again no matter how much I tried to push him away, he always kept a tight grip on me. He then switched to holding my arms in his grasp in one arm while caressing my face in the other

"You have such soft skin" he mumbled to himself while moving his hand from my face to the side of my leg 'Stop that!" I said but he ignored me and began to tug on the hem of my pants(shorts, whatever) 'What the hell are you doing?!" I said while blushing and Goggles just laughed "I'm taking them off silly. Now if you stop struggling, it would just make it easier on both of us"

Before he had a chance to pull them down, a voice called out to the both of us and saved me "Hey! What are you two kids doing in this park?!" It was an elderly lady with her young grandson. Thinking fast, Goggles let go of me and smiled at her "I'm sorry miss, we were just heading home now. Weren't we (Y/n)?" I could tell by the look in his eyes that he was threatening me to say what he wants, plus he still has that knife on him! he can easily kill the lady and kid if I don't!

"Yes, we were just about to head home." I said as I tried to hide the fear in my voice but thankfully the pair bought the lie and went on their way.  As I watched them leave, I didn't notice that Goggles snuck up behind me and hugged me from behind "Now that those two are gone, we can go back to playing our game~" I gasped and tried to run but I felt a weird smelling cloth over my face "That's too bad. I was really hoping that I didn't have to use this on you but you're just too stubborn, you should have just done this the easier way~" he said while pressing the cloth tighter on my face! I didn't want to breath in but all the struggling I did caused me to take a breath in and my vision started to get blurry

"Good night (Y/n). once you wake up, we will have tons of fun together~"

Ok, this too me FOREVER to finish. I am not use to making perverted chapters like this failed attempt so its not as 'good' as others would have made it. I tried ;^_^

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