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"For now, Joshua and Jessica will stay with us. Tomorrow, we will go to the laboratory for a dna test."
Ark said.

Faye glares at Jessica.
They are cousin for all her life.
She met this girlat least 3 times when they go overseas to visit.
And she never like her.

She always act like she deserves all the attention and it was just right for her to demand to be the first priority.
She really wanted to bury her alive but since she only see her once in a while she never clash with her but now...

"And if they are your children?" She asks really wanted to strangle her father for having such disgusting kids?"

Ark looks at Faye and the quiet Aurora.

"Then they will live with us."
Ark said.

"What?" Faye looks shocked despite expecting it.
"There is no way!"

Jessica sighs.
"I know you never like me before but now that we are sisters--"

"Not. Yet! We are not sure yet so do not"
Faye said.

"Faye, please calm down. I am older than you. Can't you even respect me?" Jessica sadly said.

Faye clenched her fist in anger.

"That's enough. Faye, she is still your older cousin. Do not say anything to make things worse."

"Me? What did I do? If Dad just keep his hand away from a married woman then this will not..."

Ark tried to slap Faye in anger but Kei pulled her faster.

Kei stands behind Faye grabbing her shoulder.
"Dad, that is not nice."

Ark gasps deeply. He looks at his hand that he never raised before against his daughters.
He turns around and look at Joshua and Jessica.
"I already told the maids to prepare the guest rooms for you two." After that he left.

Faye is still pale from what happen.
Jessica looks at her and sighs before she urges Joshua to go to their room.

Kei looks at Faye.
"Do you really have to hit the nerve in this kind of timing?"

"It's fault." Faye hugs Kei.
"It was not my fault!"

"It was not,yes. But what you did back then, even if he slapped you, it was you who ask for it."

Faye glares at Kei.
"What did I say that is wrong?"

Kei sneers.
"So you don't know? First, he is your father. How dare you talk back to him like that? Second, what do you know? You only know the part that he might have another children but if you remember his reaction when.he heard it first is the same as you. Weighing the pros and cons. It seems it was not as simple as him cheating and having an affair with his cousin's wife. So you really shouldn't say something you are not sure of. In case, you don't want to be the faulty one."

Faye pouts and sat next to Aurora.
"Talk! Why are you so quiet?"

"What? Now you are mad at me for saying less? You already talk enough for the rest of us."
Aurora snorts.

"Awring, you have to do something. I don't want to be that girl's sister!"

Aurora flares up.

"Pfft---" Kei tried his best to hide his snickering.

Aurora blushes.
"I told you not to call me that!"
Aurora shouted.

"What? It is not as bad as Pecha!"
Faye grumbles.

"I can't believe you. You disgust me! You know what. Maybe I would rather have Jessica than you."
Aurora storms to the stairs.

Faye gapes.
"Just for revealing your nickname?"

FOUL MOUTHED HALF BROTHER (Yaoi)(Complete)Where stories live. Discover now