I don't Like Pain

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Kei wakes up at 5am.
He was shocked that he woke up 30 minutes later than usual.
Maybe it's because of the event last night.

He stretches his body after standing up. Fix his bed and wash his face and brush his teeth in the bathroom.
He was used to using cold water to wash his face. He feels more refreshed this way too.

After changing his night wear to a white shirt and  jogging pants he goes downstairs to start his routined jogging.

Just like every other day, he was greeted by the guards.
Although the video about him kicking an unconscious man spreads. The guards didn't recognize him from the video because he is usually jogging in the dark and just wearing casual clothes. Very different from the man in the video.

Kei has no idea that there is a video of him too so their conversation went smoothly.

He continued his jogging just to meet another jogger.

The two stare at each other repulsively.

Kei ignores him.

"Wait!" Gale shouted and he jogs alongside Kei.

"What do you want?" Kei looks at him with disdain.

"Do you really have to glare at me? Didn't I already apologize? And you said let's forget about it since you kicked me?" Gale said.

Kei stops jogging and looks at Gale with concern.
"To you, forgetting is being friends? In the first place, I don't even know you. You really disgust me."

Gale sighs angrily.
"I am Gale."

"I don't care."


"I have no plan in making friends with you." Kei said.

"Here. You like calling cards right?"

"You think you will be able to bribe me with a calling card? You really think I'm that easy---A green card?"
He took it. "Wh-what is this made of?"

Gale sighs.
"Can we get a new start?"

Kei's face turned sour.
"Way to go making it sound so weirdly. You want to be friends cause I am friends with Brownie and Jeremy right? Were you like those types? Fan boy?"

Gale clicked his tongue.
"No!" He sighs. Calming himself. "Since It is my mistake from the start I just want to get back to you. And it's better to be friends than enemies."

Kei raised a brow.
"I am not someone important so being friends with me has no merits. If you still insist then fine."

Gale snorts.
"Why would I care if there were merits or not? Don't talk like those older men."

"Well, I thought the rich people's life revolves in merits and demerits and they only act based on their priorities."
Kei smiles holding the calling card.
"I'll gladly accept this bribe."

"You really am a weird guy. So, after this jog? Do you want to eat? There is a close breakfast diner around here."

"It sounds good but I have to check my plants. Though I would like to have you treating me to that fancy breakfast diner. How about you take out some and we eat it there?"

"Eat while sitting on the ground?" Gale frowns.

"If you don't want it then don't. Get out of my face ,you irritate me." Kei said as he continued his jogging.

Gale frowns deeper.
"He is really this rude! Why is everyone like this crazy guy?"


Jeremy frowns seeing Gale and Kei eating while sitting on the rocks lying around.

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