Where is Kei?

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Breath in..
Breath out.

Kei is cooling off under a tree while Asher, Jack and Princess are all doing their best in the camp site to make their camping tent stood up.

The camping Master, the teacher of the grade schooler smiles at Kei.

"Dont you want to help them a bit?"

Kei looks at the camping master with a creepy smile.
Kei shakes his head.

"They said they can do it. If they havent given up yet in doing their best then why bother?"

"But its soon going to dark and your team doesnt have a firewood yet and set up the food." The camping Master said anxious.

"Then they'll learn that next time, they need to do things done earlier of they will have problem later."

The camping master sighs.
"You are their only guardian?"

The camping master looks around.

"All the adults have job. One will be here at night but not for the kids." Kei yawns.

The camping master thinks that Kei is very irresponsible adult to take care of three kids.
Though its true that letting the children do their best while you watch them from the side is good. But you should offer a little bit of help.

The Camping master left.
But after an hour, Kei is sleeping already and the tent isnt yet complete.

"I think." Asher said.
"We are doing this tent wrong."

Suddenly the sleeping Kei is laughing.
"You are struggling for 4 hours and you just realize?"

Jack gasps.
"If you know then why didnt you tell us?"

"Thats too mean Kei!" Princess angriky stomps on the ground.

Kei raised a brow and put his fist under his chin.
"Why? Is people that know, should offer their knowledge to people not asking them for help? I believe in minding my own business."

"Kei, if you see someone that needs help, you should help." Asher pouts.

"Because?" Kei asks.

"Because its polite." Jack said.

"Being polite has nothing to do with being helpful. And why would I be helpful? I see three children doing their best and trying to solve the problem on their own. I thought its more polite for me to believe in you."

"Uhh...." the three looks at each other.

"I think we are doing it wrongly. Can you help us?" Asher asks.

Kei sneers.
"Do this and that."

Asher and Jack.
"Wont you help us do it?"

"I already share my knowledge. Dont be ungrateful."

"Fine." Asher and Jack snorts.

"Ah! We did it!" Princess happily jumps on the air.

The three high five and giggles.

The Camping Master smiles and looks at Kei.
"I guess, this too is good way in teaching them to be independent...and enjoy their camping more. Thank you for teaching me. The easy way is not always the right way." The camping master walks away.

Kei is gaping at the leaving Camping Master.
"I just dont want to he.....never mind."


Its already dark and they just starting the fire.

"Kei...what should we do? There's no sunlight already." Princess sobs. She doesnt want to be the only one without a fire or food

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