Strange Hobby

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Oliver heard what they were talking about and frowned.

Jack pulls him.
"Brother, hurry!"

Oliver sighs and walks to them.


"You are concerned about Little Asher and complain in his stead. Isn't that makes you a very good kid?"
Jeric smiles.

"It is nice that you are very positive in life but do not get swindled." 
Kei said seriously.

".......this guy….It's too hard to think of him as a cute boy." Jeric snorts.

"In my province, I was called rude and the number one brat who should die painfully. A girl who confessed to me even said that if I die, she will celebrate it. So being called a good kid…...makes me want to puk---laugh."

"Puke….You will say puke, right?" Asher said.

"A girl said that to you?" Jeremy looks a bit startled. "And even tell you those horrible things?"

" That's mostly a joke mixed with their genuine feeling of disgust and irritation. And don't worry, that girl cried even more after I told her that she can only celebrate my death if she will live longer than mine. She looks like she will attempt suicide so I think I will longer." Kei looks back and sees a handsome man behind him.
He felt a dejavu from meeting Jeremy.

Kei faces him.

"This is my oldest brother." Jack said.

"Oh….The handsome, capable, reliable brother with lots of cars and watches?" Kei nods.

Jack blushes.

"I am Oliver Roseburn. Thank you for playing with my brother."

"Eh….It's fine. A lowly person like me who doesn't know how to use a laptop can only be glad to be acquainted with Jack."

Jack angrily kicks his leg.

Oliver is shocked.
He thought Jack likes this guy.

"Resorting to physical harm….." he knocks on Jack's head. "How many times do I have to say that you can't always resort on hitting people?"

"................." Oliver didn't know how to react. It happened so fast.

Jack angrily pouts.

"But you are being mean!" Jack said.
"And you hit me!"

"Arguing with brats really isn't worthy." Kei looks away. "And they are getting sharper these days."

"That……" Oliver looks at Kei. "You shouldn't hit him."

Kei nods.

"......" Oliver doesn't know where and how to continue again.
Kei just easily accepted his mistake.
Even if Oliver wants to reprimand him he doesn't know how much force will he use to speak.

Before he decides, Jack grabs Kei's pants.
"Come to my birthday party!"

Oliver is more in dilemma how to proceed. His brother still liked this guy?

Kei tries pulling the brats hand away.

"Urk! I told you, not the pants!" Kei angrily said.

Asher helps him.
Now there are two brats pulling his pants.

"Seriously, you are making my belt cry." Kei grinds his teeth and raises his fist.
The two stop tugging and hold their heads preparing for the assault.

FOUL MOUTHED HALF BROTHER (Yaoi)(Complete)Where stories live. Discover now