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Faye gasps and hides from thr back of her escort when she saw Kei, Jeremy and Yvonne in the party.

"What's wrong Faye?"
Wilbert asks.
Wilbert is a Movie Star like Faye and he was in the industry since small like her for being a son of a former idol.

They are close but their relationship off cam is not as hot or cold to be an item.

"Ah....Nothing!" Faye pulls Wilbert away.
Then she hide herself and dialled Kei's number.

Yvonne is looking troubled at Jeremy.
Her eyes are a bit sour and in verge of tears.

Jeremy sighs.
He has no choice but to be a bit mean.
If Yvonne keep her advances toward him, his relationship with Kei would be compromise.
In his head, he would rather Yvonne stops being his friend than Kei ignoring him.

He has to set his priorities.

Kei's phone rang.
Kei answer it without leaving.
Kei will not leave Jeremy's side especially now.

Even though he has full confidence in Jeremy, he would not give Yvonne even a small chance to insert herself between them.

Jeremy chuckles at Kei's pettiness but his eyes shows how he enjoys Kei's jealousy.

"Hello." Kei answered.

"What are you doing?" Faye is whispering and screaming at the same time as she hide her body using Wilbert.


"Urgh! Do you know who is Yvonne Castella?"
Faye wanted to scream but she can't so her neck is tightening.

"I don't know her but she doesn't know me to." Kei raised his eye brow lookibg at Yvonne.

Yvonne also raise a brow.
She knows that Kei is refering to her.

Yvonne is puzzled.
Why would Jeremy let a self centered, selfish brat around him?
Jeremy is a serious and cold person.
He doesn't like involving himself or attaching himself to others especially people with attitude.
He is always quiet but domineering.
Cold but charming.

Jeremy is always perfect in everybody's eyes.
So how can a perfect person.....allow such rude individual with unknown background around him?

"I will go for now." Yvonne said to Jeremy.
She knows that Jeremy will soon get fed up with rude Kid.
It's better to appeal to him as someone who knows her manners.

Jeremy smiles.
"See you around."

Kei sneers at Faye at the other side.

"She can try. But nobody can steal my person."
Kei ended the call.

Yvonne and Kei's eyes met.
Yvonne felt something is strange.

Kei grabs Jeremy's tie and pull him away.
Well, just quick and domineering enough but Kei let's go of him immediately so it doesn't cause an uproar.

Jeremy blushes as Kei shows who owns who.
Jeremy fixed his tie and stares at Kei who buried his own face in his palms.


"Shut up. Shut up for a minute." Kei said softly.

Jeremy smiles and pulls him in a dark corner to hug him.
He hugs Kei from behind.
Tight and strong.

Kei looks up.
His face is flushed but it's too dark to see.
Slowly, a lips presses to his and Jeremy deepen the kiss when Kei respond to him by wrapping his arms around his neck.

After a while the two are sitting on the veranda and watching the stars.
There is a wine on Jeremy's hand and Kei is playing with his phone.


FOUL MOUTHED HALF BROTHER (Yaoi)(Complete)Where stories live. Discover now