Never Break Up

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"Hey Congrats." Hero smiles and pats his shoulder.

Hero dropped out of school and became a professional gamer.

He looks taller now. His hair is tied with rubber due to his long hair. He looks very mature.

Hero and Tyrone broke up before they even celebrated their first anniversary.

Tyrone needs to go to France for his music career and thanks to that they never had a chance to reconcile.

Surprisingly, Hero stops dating after that. It's almost 2 years but Hero still won't let Kei talk about Tyrone. Kei never really wants to talk about it seeing the Hero looking like this.

Surprisingly, it was Big brother Harold and Travis who are now almost a year in their relationship.

"I saw your fight. Good game. You'll get them next time." Kei said.

"Haha. Yeah." Hero is wearing a loose shirt and cargo pants in an exclusive hotel. Thanks to Aurora giving a special consideration to Kei's friends, they let him enter but usually they'll get shooed away.

"Why are you looking at me like that? Even if you said you like me I can't get it hard for you."

Kei snorts.

"How are you? I heard Michael keeps asking you to help take care of his son and daughters?"

"That motherf**ker even wants to set me up for dates with his wife's cousins."

Hero chuckles.

"Michael said there's one girl in your team who likes you a lot and she's in highschool? You..."

"Hey hey...I didn't do that anymore. I told her I'm not dating anymore. I'm done with relationships."

"I want to say it's your Karma but it's too mean."

"F*ckt*rd you already said it." Hero shakes his head.

Their group also came and they are rowdy. Some of them also graduate and some already start a family. To all of them they are most worried about Hero. Hero's been the type to take all the attention. Even if he is not the center of attention at the beginning he can make it turn around. They always thought he would be caught by a girl he impregnated someday and be the first to have a failed marriage but he suddenly acts like he is the most mature, making everyone want to puke(and worry).

"I think he just needs to have a closure with Tyrone." The group hurdle in the bathroom.

"Kei, is Tyrone coming back to celebrate your birthday?" Nelson asks.

"Yeah." Kei just checks his phone.

"He said he is here."

"F*ck! You should have told us! What if Hero and Tyrone already see each other and he is with someone handsome now and Hero decided to jump in the building?! Who will babysit my children?" Michael said horrified.

Mark smacks the back of his head.

"You selfish turd!"

"It's hard to take care of 3 babies." Michael said, pouting.

"Then stop making babies!" They all said in unison.

When they all leave the bathroom, they see Tyrone and Hero in one table chatting.

It looks so fine on the outside.

"Fuxk it looks like Hero will die tonight."

"Stop worrying. It's Hero anyways." Kei shooed them. Letting the two catch up.

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