Im sorry

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Ark looks at Arthur who is trying his best to calm himself.

Krissy, Joshua and Jessica all look like they already moved on and forget about him.

Arthur can only bites his lower lip as Ark angrily tell them to leave.

Now the two are the only one left in this room.

"I dont care who she was. I will kick her out of my place." Ark angrily said.

"......" Arthur wanted to say no. But he stops and looks away.
Its his little way of approval.

Ark sighs.
To push someone this kind to his limits.
He really wonder why Arthur is still married to Krissy.

"If you didnt left....Krissy will be married to you." Arthur smiles.
"Maybe she will not act like this if its you."

Ark sneers.
"She will not change just because hee husband changes. You think a woman is some sort of gelatin that will mold the way the husband wants?"

Arthur closed his eyes.
"Why is this happening? Why is my life falling apart?"

"Because you are stupid. You are trying to use something that is already broken."

"But I....I love her....I love the kids...I love my family. Ark...What should I do?"
Arthur opens his eyes and looks at Ark.
"Since we are small. I always had this envy toward you. You are smart, you are bright you can easiky be liked by everyone. You can talk about dreams and you can always smile so brightly."

Ark frowns.
"The adults thinking influence you so much."

"When you left and I agreed to marry Krissy. Grandfather and Father finally praise me. Saying I am more obedient than you and that I understand them well. Finally have someone treating me better than you."

Ark sighs.
But he didnt say anything.
Arthur also doesnt want him to say anything.

"When you return, I finally realize how shallow I am. How dim is my light. Everyone came back praising you. And I cant still give the family an heir. I wanted to equally stand beside you. Be the light like you. The frustration I feel end me up hurting my woman. Its an arrange marriage to begin with. But because of what I did....She completely lost her trust against me. Its all because of can I be this kind of a failure?"

Ark walks to Arthur.
"Arthur, my son said this to me, your shoes is too big for him to wear."


"And even if he wears it....he will not be able to think the way you do."

Arthur just stare at Ark.
Ark pats his shoulder.
"Stop living in my shadow. Thats not cool."

Arthur blushed in embarassement. He looks down.

Kei opens the door and see Arthur and Ark.

"Am I disturbing something?" They look very serious.

Ark shakes his head.
"Why are you here again? Did you like going to the hospital that much?" He wryly sighs.

Kei shakes his head.
"I'm sorry." He said.
"For what I said...I'm sorry."

Arthur holds Kei hand.
"Its fine."

Kei shakes his head.
"Its not fine. I wanted to spite you so I said those mean words purposely. Im sorry."

Ark frowns.
"To spite him?"

Kei nods.
"Cause....He is doing everything to love someone. He shouldnt have existed in this world. He is an anomaly..someone fictional."
Kei looks at Arthur's confuse expression.
"How can be someone like this exist?"

Ark laughs at the side.
"Yeah. We actually call him the Wilderburg's princess behind his back."

Arthur blushes.
"What are you talking about?"

Ark shakes his head.
"Its older brother Kristian. He called you the Wilderburg's princess."

Arthur blushes in red shade.

Kei looks at Arthur seriously.
"Your highne--"

"Stop! Stoppp!!! Why are you two! We are talking seriously here!"
Arthur said and glares at Kei.

Ark laughs aloud.
"Elder sister Alli said you are the reigning princess since you are born. Sickly, pale beauty, guys avoid hurting, always kind and lovely, forgiving and sweet.. A perfect Princess."

"I....I...." Arthur wants to defend himself.
He remembers that his cousins all like physically hitting each other and he often scared to get hit but nobody does. He always win a game efrortlessly. He thought its because he is small that they dont notice him.
It turns out....

"How can you all be so disaggreable!" He shouted angrily.

Kei points at him.
"What do you call that when he gets mad?"

"Princess snaps or princess rage."
Ark answers.

"You are popular." Kei said.

Arthur hides his face in his palm

"Leave me alone. You evil father and son!"

The two were kick out the room.

"Lets go?" Ark said.
Its actually the first time for them to be alone.

Kei nods.

The two are quiet while they are walking.

There are nothing to talk about.


The two look at each other when they spoke at the same time.

They stares at each other.


Once again they spoke at the same time.

Ark squintted his eyes.
"Let me talk first!"

Kei sneers.
"I habe more important thing to say than you."

"How would you know if you wont let me speak first?"

"I just know."

The two stares at each other.


The two angrily looks away not saying anything.

Before they enter the car, Ark turns around at Kei.
"Say it,"

Kei frowns .

"What do you want to tell me?"

"I forgot."

Ark angrily clicked his tongue.
"Then its not important!"

"It is."

"You say you forget about it."

"Yeah. I forgot about it." Kei looks down.

Ark sighs.
"Then ask me again when you remember."

Kei nods.

"What about you?"

Ark frowns.
"I...also forgot."

Kei sneers.

Ark looks at him and rubs his head.
"I will not apologize to you."
He turns around and enter the car.

Kei was left standing there. He quickly wipes his eyes and follow inside.

"What you are talking about old man? You are going senile?"

Ark snorts.
"Yes. Yes."

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