When She Realizes She's Crushing (Females)

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Sayaka Maizono

Sayaka didn't like to brag about things like this, but she did find that she had many admirers and fans over the years that confessed their love to her. Because of this constant affection and random confessions, she found trouble falling in love with anyone on a more personal level. Sure, she 'loved' her fans, but it was a different kind of love.

Not like the type she was beginning to feel for you. Not only were you talented, but super considerate. She also found you downright adorable. Perhaps your slight shyness had something to do with that, but that didn't change how she felt.

Regardless, she knew she wanted to confess to you. Even if you didn't end up feeling the same, Sayaka knew it would be difficult for her to keep seeing you if she didn't confess.

Celestia Ludenburg

Celeste was somewhat of a stranger to feeling genuine affection for others. With her manipulative nature, sometimes she could even fool herself with how she felt towards others. But when it came to you, it was a different story.

In the beginning Celeste had to admit she was using you for your talent; having personal servants to do her bidding was part of her end-goal dream after all. But you weren't a mindless drone... Something about the way you treated her made her feel like perhaps she could open herself up to you.

But of course, if her confession was rejected, she may close up and never open up again...

Sakura Oogami

As someone trying to earn the title of the strongest human alive, Sakura found that she would be drawn to people who were powerful; just like her. Training and sparring with powerful opponents was a delight for her. This isn't to say she didn't enjoy the company of those not strong, but given her lifestyle it made it difficult to slow down.

And yet she found that her time with you was more enjoyable than with any other sparring partners. It wasn't because you were strong, you were actually quite weak to be frank. But to see your growth as you exhausted yourself... She found herself feeling quite proud of the progress you achieved. That soon transformed into affection, and she knew she wasn't going to get anywhere if she simply hid these emotions...

Junko Enoshima

With Junko, it can be difficult to tell if she truly loves something, or if it's a short-lived obsession that will wear off within a week. And as someone who's moral decisions are quite... all over the place, it's difficult for even Junko herself to know how she's feeling.

That said, when she becomes attached to someone, she isn't going to let them go anytime soon. So when she found herself beginning to grow attached to you, she knew she was going to win you over. This wasn't a short-lived obsession, and she could tell that for once her feelings were genuine.

Now her problem was figuring out how to make you swoon over her...

Mukuro Ikusaba

Mukuro wasn't exactly raised in an environment that taught her how to understand her emotions. If anything, it was the exact opposite; she learned how to suppress her emotions and how she truly felt about things.

Because of this, it was difficult for Mukuro to realize that she truly did like you as more than a friend. With your talent it would simply make sense for you two to spend more time together, but more as a business thing rather than personal.

Mukuro was unsure if she should be suppressing her emotions like she always had in the past, but for once she was beginning to think she wouldn't be able to do that this time.

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