When You Learn The Truth (Females)

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Sayaka Maizono

While you never expected your hiding spot to last or be perfect, the last person you expected to come to visit you was Makoto. What was he thinking, coming into the girl's bathroom like this?!

"Shhh! I promise I'll explain everything." Makoto said with a hushed tone, using his hoodie to hide his head, presumably for anyone who'd come into the bathroom during your confrontation.

"What is it?" You questioned, already feeling bad enough after what you saw; you really didn't want to talk to the other person involved in this.

"Sayaka really does care for you... We knew each other in middle school, but it was like rarely seeing each other, let alone talking to each other. She wants to be with you, and it was just bad luck that you saw her like that... Please don't blame her for my selfishness..."

You were left speechless as Makoto finished his explanation. You hadn't known Makoto before starting here at Hope's Peak, but even you knew he wasn't lying; this really was a big misunderstanding. You needed to go talk to Sayaka...

Celestia Ludenburg

It didn't take long for Celeste to find you, her gambler's intuition proving to be correct once more. Her expression is as stoic as ever as she sits next to you. Inside her rage boiled as she saw your tear-stained cheeks and swollen eyes; what right did Kyoko have to do such a thing to make you this upset?

"(Name), you may be inclined to not believe me, but what you saw was only part of the situation. I never assumed Kyoko would pull something so ludicrous, it really is astounding. If I had to gamble my life for the chance to go back and stop Kyoko from bringing you such distress, I would."

Part of you figured it wasn't the entire story, but your past masters you had served made you inclined to think the worst. Celeste wasn't your master, but being in a relationship left you just as emotionally vulnerable, if not more.

"I... I believe you... I-I'm sorry..."

Celeste frowns softly. She wasn't the best at giving physical affection, but she knew you needed it at the moment. Although awkward with her movements, she brings you in for a hug. You figured she didn't want her clothes to become dirtied, and you did your best to keep the tears and such to yourself.

"I promise you this (Name), she will pay..."

Sakura Oogami

And that's the fiftieth poem about the sadness you were feeling... At this rate you'd have a small book of sad poems ready to publish by tomorrow...

It wasn't long before you heard a knocking to the dorm room. With how strong it was you were sure it was Sakura; who else would go out of their way to visit you at this time in the day? You weren't exactly social with a lot of the students.

You weren't exactly enthusiastic about answering the door, but you knew it was better to get this over with rather than drag it out. Crawling out of your fort made out of blankets, you answered the door. Surprisingly though, the person at the door was Aoi.

"Can we talk for a moment...? It's important..."

Figuring things couldn't get any worse than they already had, you decided to let Aoi in. You apologized briefly for the mess, shoving aside the trash on a chair for her to sit down in.

"You're too kind... I don't deserve it. I-I... I took advantage of Sakura's kindness, and tried to sabotage your relationship with her... I got jealous, and acted out on it...It's okay if you don't forgive me, but I figured you should know the truth. Sakura is an amazing person, and it's clear how much she loves you... Just please, don't leave her because of my mistake..."

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