Getting Back Together (Females)

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Sayaka Maizono

After exiting the bathroom, you were quick to begin searching for Sayaka. Given Makoto's explanation you knew Sayaka did nothing wrong; now you just needed to tell her that you knew that.

As she was also looking for you, it wasn't long before the two of you bumped into each other. Not literally, but it was easy to see both of you were relieved to find each other.

"(Name), I-"

You cut Sayaka off by giving her a hug. You always had a bit of a rough time working up the confidence to show physical affection, so this meant a lot to Sayaka.

"Makoto told me everything... I-I'm sorry I just ran off like that; I had no idea what to do..."

Sayaka paused slightly, but was quick to hug back.

"I see... You don't need to apologize... I'm just glad everything worked out in the end..."

Even though the both of you technically needed to go back to class, you decided to take the rest of the day off to go on a date instead. Sayaka felt the need to spend some special time with you, and you really didn't have a good reason to say no. Little did you know that it was Makoto's wallet that'd be suffering...

Celestia Ludenburg

While you were certain your relationship was still going, Celeste went to extra lengths to ensure that you knew your relationship was still going strong. She had invited you to go out for some tea, not knowing that Kyoko would also be there.

"She took the actions as if she won a bet when in reality she didn't; her paying for our lunch is the least of the actions she'll be taking to repay us for what she did. Naturally she won't be sitting with us though; this date is just for you and myself."

As much as you wanted to feel bad for Kyoko, you couldn't. She had brought this upon herself by messing with you, and in turn Celeste. Any doubts that may have had lingering were long gone at this point. Now you just had to enjoy your date with Celeste.

Sakura Oogami

Sakura frowns when she sees the mess your dorm room had become; it was clearly because of what had happened, and as such she feels responsible for what had happened. Additionally, what was Aoi doing here?

"It's okay Sakura... I told (Name) the truth... she knows you're innocent... I'll get going now..."

Getting up for the chair, Aoi was quick to make her exit, closing the door behind her. Now it was just you and Sakura in the room.

"I apologize for not reacting sooner (Name); I was truly in shock when Aoi made her move..."

You shook your head softly, leaning against Sakura after she had sat next to you on the bed. She wrapped an arm around you, bringing you in closer.

"I-I was too quick to react... you did n-nothing wrong..."

Sakura reached for the nearby box of tissues to help clean up the tears that began to fall. She regrets not getting here sooner, but now that she was here she'd ensure you felt all the love she had for you.

"W-We're still together, right?"

Sakura nods, giving you a kiss on the forehead.

"Of course Love, of course..."

Sakura wouldn't leave until she was sure you were feeling better, and even then she insisted on staying with you for the evening. She was going to make sure you knew just how much she cared for you...

Junko Enoshima

After the phone call with Mukuro, you didn't really have a reason to doubt Junko anymore. Even so, the next interaction you had with her would be a bit awkward. It was near the front of the school gate when you finally saw each other again.

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