Getting Back Together (Guys)

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Happy Valentine's Day! I hope you've all had a wonderful day. Regardless if you're in a relationship or single, know that anime guys always got you. Question for you all: if you had to pick one, who would you choose to be your Valentine? My option is clear; Shuichi Saihara. He's my favorite character, and I feel like we could both be awkward together. Regardless, hope you enjoy. =^-^=

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Byakuya Togami

To say you were embarrassed about this misunderstanding was an understatement. You had listened to Toko without taking the time to see Byakuya's point of view or hear him out...

"Shall we get going then? There's too many people here for my liking; how about we get to the private rink?"

Byakuya's words took you out of your thoughts, nearly making you slip up. Never did you think it'd be Byakuya keeping you from falling on the ice.

"You're not... I mean..."

Byakuya frowns, the two of you heading to the side to get off the ice, his hands never leaving yours.

"There's no need to make things so awkward; unless you want it to be the case, I don't believe anything's changed between us."

Oh... that's a relief to hear...

"Come on now, let's get going. I have the limo waiting outside for us."

You'll probably never get used to dating someone so rich and influential...

Chihiro Fujisaki

Despite not being the most athletic person ever, Chihiro did everything in his power to reach your location as quickly as possible. He may be exhausted once he's there, but if that's what it takes to preserve your relationship so be it. He had all the programming and video evidence from his phone to prove it wasn't him who did it.

Once he found you, he showed you his evidence. The fact that the time his phone was opened around the break-up text showed Mondo using it with Chihiro not even looking at his phone until much later... Chihiro had thoroughly proven himself innocent.

"P-Please don't leave me... I-I'm sorry for this misunderstanding.. But I promise I-I love you more than anything..."

You could see that Chihiro was on the verge of crying, and was quick to hug him. He weakly hugged back, tears now beginning to fall.

"It's alright... we're not breaking up... I might break some of Mondo's bones, but our relationship won't end here... I love you Chihiro..."

Mondo better run for what he did to you and Chihiro...

Kiyotaka Ishimaru

With the truth out, you didn't really know what to do or say. Clearly Kiyotaka would rather move on now that Mondo had explained the truth. Out of everything you were feeling, you were mostly relieved that your relationship with Kiyotaka was still intact.

"Thank you for the cake, Mondo... Kiyotaka, would you like to resume our studying session?"

"Of course! We'll take this cake; be safe on your way home!"

Taking the cake from Mondo, Kiyotaka enters your house before closing the door behind him. Now you and Kiyotaka could spend some time alone without Mondo getting in the way.

"I apologize for being upset earlier-"

"There's no need to worry about that; the truth has been exposed and Mondo's had his proper scolding... Let's just enjoy our time together."

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