Meeting Them (Females)

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Hello everyone! Guess what?! I'm adding females to the mix! I don't know if anyone's even interested in seeing this, but I'm interested, and so... here you go!
Sayaka Maizono
You couldn't believe it. You had been accepted into Hope's Peak Academy as the ultimate clothes' designer... And it was all thanks to your most recent project for a really popular singer.
Now, what was her name?
As you were walking throughout the halls, you noticed something.
... A girl wearing your outfit...
'Wait... Is that... Sayaka Maizono? Oh my gosh... I designed for my favorite pop idol!'
As you were mentally fangirling, you didn't notice Sayaka walking up to you.
"Hi! It's very nice to meet you, (y/n)."
You were in shock.
"How'd you know my name?"
"It's simple; I'm psychic.... Kidding. I just know that remembered your name in the info page of the outfit. Thank you for crafting this beautiful outfit! I absolutely love it!"
You smiled.
"Well, want to head to class together?"
You nodded.
And so, you two did just that.

Celestia Ludenberg
You sighed as you entered the gates of Hope's Peak Academy. You wondered how bad you would be treated this year.
As the ultimate servant, you executed whatever your master requested perfectly. But that didn't mean you always liked your orders...
Pushing the thoughts out of your mind, you stepped forward to bump into another student.
You pulled away.
"I'm so sorry! I-Is there a-anything I can do t-to make it u-up to you?!" You apologized.
The female looked confused, but calm as well.
"If you really want to make it up to me, you can tell me your name."
"It's (y/n) (y/l/n); the ultimate servant."
The female smiled.
"Very interesting. I assume it'd be rude to not tell you my name as well. It's Celestia Ludenberg; the ultimate gambler. It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance."
You smiled.
"I agree. Do you want me to carry your bags for you?"
Celestia smiled.
"Since you offered so kindly, why not?"
She then handed you her bags, and you two headed inside together.

Sakura Oogami
You were sitting outside Hope's Peak, writing your thoughts down in poetry.
As the ultimate poet, this came easily to you.
But others... Not so much. Because of this, you'd be bullied and made fun of.
But you hoped to escape that here. At Hope's Peak Academy.
As you were standing up to head inside, you caught sight of someone very intimidating.
They had a buff appearance, and they were... wearing a skirt!?
Wait... They're a girl?!
Curious, and a bit hopeful, you walked up to the female, and gently tapped her on the arm, due to being too short to tap her shoulder.
She turned to you.
"Hello. Can I help you?"
Her voice made you lightly shake in fear. But she sounded kind-hearted.
"H-Hi... I'm (y/n) (y/l/n), the u-ultimate poet. I hate to ask this, b-but you're a female... R-R-Right?!"
The girl didn't seem offended at all.
"Yes, I am. I am Sakura Oogami; the ultimate martial artist."
Your eyes sparkled in amazement.
"Wow... That's incredible!"
Sakura seemed taken back.
"T-Thank you. Do you want to walk to class together?"
You smiled.
"Sure. I'd like that."
And so, Sakura walked you to your first class.

Junko Enoshima
As the ultimate actress, you think you'd be very outgoing, charismatic, and confident.
If anything, it's the exact opposite.
You were just a shy actor who happened to get accepted into Hope's Peak.
As you were heading to your first class, you felt someone tap you on the shoulder.
You instantly pulled away, afraid. But when you turned to face the cause, you were face to face with a female.
"Oops! Sorry for scaring you! I just wanted to meet such a beautiful and talented actress. What's your name?"
You blushed at the compliment.
I mean, how could you not? A beautiful, stunning female had just complimented you.
"T-Thanks...It's (y/n) (y/l/n)...."
"Oh. My. God! The (y/n) (y/l/n); the ultimate actress! It's such an honor to meet you. I'm Junko Enoshima; ultimate fashionista. But that's nothing compared to you!"
"You're most welcome! Now... Let's head to class and meet everyone else. Though I'm sure they're not as amazing as you!"
And so, you let Junko drag you off to class.

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