Texting Conversations (Females)

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Sayaka Maizono

It was the weekend, and you had been working on designing a new outfit for Sayaka based on the information Sayaka texted you about. While it was just a rough draft, you sent your design to Sayaka.

Oh my god! (Name), this is perfect! You're so amazing!

You had to admit you were a bit flustered at this, needing to take a moment to calm down before sending a response to Sayaka.

I'm glad you like it. If you give it your approval I'll get to finalizing the draft into a reality.

Sayaka was quick to respond, including sending many heart and smiley-faced emojis.

You really are the best! I'll make sure you have V.I.P tickets for my next show.

Needless to say you were happy with how things turned out..

Celestia Ludenburg

As Celeste's gambling tournament was approaching, you had asked Celeste to give you details on the location and the attire to wear so you wouldn't embarrass her.

You needn't worry about embarrassing me. Simply wear some formal attire and arrive on time. I will personally deal with anyone who speaks out towards you.

Even though Celeste was basically saying she would 'deal' with anyone who was rude to you, you couldn't help but smile at this. No one had ever really cared about you that way so it was nice to see that someone did care for you.

I'm not worthy of such kind words. I'll be sure to live up to your expectations.

Celeste's response was not what you were expecting however...

You're not coming as a servant, but as a friend. Please try to loosen up somewhat.

As your entire life had been sent on serving people, this was quite a shock. Still...

Understood! I'm looking forward to seeing you win!

Sakura Oogami

You were currently at home, having just finished a workout routine Sakura had sent you to try given your current physique and athletic ability. And while you were quite grateful, you were also very tired.

Sakura, I may have just missed it, but are there any specific stretches I need to do during my cooldown?

You weren't sure if Sakura would see your message soon, but it couldn't hurt to ask.

My mistake; it seems I forgot to add the final list. Here you go.

After the text Sakura sent you the list of cool-down stretches to try.

Thank you!

After that, you proceeded to do the stretches Sakura had sent. Didn't want to injure yourself or pull something...

Junko Enoshima

Isn't it weird how the only way to give descriptions of dreams are negative while fantasies during the day are only positive?

You were in your house, working on homework when Junko sent you this text out of the blue.

I mean, I guess so... Why do you ask?

No reason, I'm just bored. Aren't you?

You sighed softly, before sending a response.

I'm currently working on homework...

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