First Date (Females)

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Sayaka Maizono

After some discussion about possible date ideas, the two of you decided to go to a water park for the day. You offered to design some clothes for the occasion, and Sayaka was quick to jump onto this idea, asking for matching swimsuits. It was a tad bit embarrassing to do so, but you did so. You even designed some matching jackets to wear when you were not in the water and drying off.

When the day of the date arrived, you had to admit you were nervous about it. With the matching outfits it would only amplify Sayaka's beauty compared to your own. Sayaka was sure to reassure you otherwise, but when you two arrived at the water park, your fears were turning into a reality.

"Oh my god, is that Sayaka?!"

"She's so beautiful in that swimsuit!"

"Can I take a picture with you?"

Sayaka was persistent in pushing the people away, but this only made you feel even more insecure. She was popular, so of course she'd be treated like a celebrity wherever she went. While in your thoughts however, you didn't notice that Sayaka had taken your hand in hers and was dragging you away until you were in a line for a water tube ride.

"Don't' worry about those guys (Name), I'm here to spend time with you, not them."

Sayaka gave you a smile of reassurance, placing a soft kiss on your cheek. That certainly got you to blush in response, but also smile.

"I suppose that's true... "

The two of you then would spend hours going on various rides, avoiding fans and enjoying light snacks whenever the two of you became famished. Of course, the most embarrassing time was when you two needed to reapply sunscreen.

"(Name), you don't have to be so embarrassed to apply some to my back. I'll be sure to repay the favor when you're done."

Not helping Sayaka...

The two of you also made sure to take some time to appreciate the wave pool, where you two ended up making a game of avoiding any crazy or persistent fans. It was almost like a game of hide and seek.

When the sun began to set, the two of you grabbed your things and decided to call it a day. Sayaka had arranged for a car to come and pick you two up, so you wouldn't be walking home in the cold.

"I had a lot of fun today Sayaka..." You stated, turning the air to warm so it'd be easier to dry off.

Sayaka smiled, letting out some giggles.

"I did as well. We should certainly do that again sometime."


It wasn't too long before the driver arrived at your place. You weren't exactly happy about ending such a wonderful date, but Sayaka made sure to leave you embarrassed once more by giving you a kiss on the cheek.

"Have a good night (Name)." Sayaka said as the driver began to drive away.


Such a shame that it had to end in what felt like no time, but at least there was always next time.

Celestia Ludenburg

It was odd to think about going on a date with Celeste in which you wouldn't be serving her at some point. Still, with Celeste insisting that you allow yourself to enjoy the time you two would spend, you knew better than to fight it. Plus, it was always nice to take a day off here and there...

Celeste had recommended that the two of you go to a cafe that she frequently visited, claiming the service to be simply divine. As such, you made sure your outfit was appropriate for the occasion, double checking to make sure you arrived at the meetup spot on time.

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