Chapter 29: Clarity

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Woozi was annoyed by the time Soonyoung reached home. How could he forget that they had practice he thought. But his mood brightened as soon as Hoshi came running up the stairs. His heartbeat a little faster looking at his junior like always.

For Hoshi this was the first time he looked at Woozi ordinarily. Usually he was head over heels for his senior but today he understood what those feelings were. He was attracted to Woozi but not in a romantic way. He just loved him as a person and as a senior. He smiled at his hyung while he opened the door and led him in while continually apologising for forgetting about the practice.

The festival was three days away and their performance was set. Since they both had been constantly on it they had been able to communicate in a way that only they understood. If a third person would look at them it would look like they were just practicing without talking, but to them every eye movement and expression meant something. That being said they had grown a lot closer.
The practice ended sooner than usual as they just had to do reruns of the performance. Usually they would sit and chat over various things everyday but today Soonyoung looked tired so Woozi let him be and went home.

The next day Soonyoung only met Mingyu briefly as they took the same bus.
Mingyu was his jolly self, chatting about his latest photography project, which made Soonyoung doubt if what happened yesterday did infact happen.
Everything was normal and everyday like until, at the college entrance a leaf got stuck on Mingyu's hair. Soonyoung let it sit there for a second or two waiting for Mingyu to brush it off but when Gyu didn't he tiptoed to reach the leaf and remove it. He giggled and handed Mingyu the leaf who stood there looking at his every move with the utmost attention.

M: You have the best giggle ever Hoshiya.

Mingyu smiled brightly at Soonyoung his puppy like adorable smile.
Soonyoung thought it felt warm inside when Gyu smiled because of him. He could see the taller's dilated pupils looking at him affectionately.

Apart from that they didn't get to meet all day as Soonyoung took off with Woozi to collect their dresses for the performance. Since the fest was two days away regular classes had been suspended for preparations. Walking with Woozi into the store Soonyoung's eyes fell on a hoodie with a cute puppy printed on it. It reminded him of his Gyu. Wait no not his Gyu just Mingyu he corrected himself mentally.
He was still conflicted about the whole dating thing and it had been biting onto him since yesterday. Was he allowed to have a love life? He thought. He knew that Mingyu would treat him right. He knew that Mingyu could restore his faith in love, but was he sure about this ? No. Something was holding him back and he didn't know what. He remembered their physical encounters, he remembered how his body reacted, but he didn't know if it was the situation or the person. He wasn't confident in himself.

Meanwhile Woozi had been noticing a change in Soonyoung's behaviour since the previous day. Not that his actions or words had changed. It was his eyes and his body. Woozi didn't know exactly what caused this to happen but his heart broke a little. He knew he had lost his chance.

W: You like Mingyu don't you?

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