Percy I --- New York --- The Jackson Household

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"Percy! Percy, come on!" I heard my mother's voice.

"Just a few more minutes," I mumbled.

"What was that, Percy?" My mom's voice said, directly over my head.

"Just a few more minutes please," I groaned.

"Good, so you're awake! I have breakfast ready, then you better hurry and get ready for school. Paul is itching to go!" She said dramatically.

I pretended to snore. "And the cookies are going to be eaten!"

Then, Mom changed tactics. I rolled over and pulled my covers off.

"Fine!" I said. "Just let me get changed!"

I shooed her out of my room. My gaze flickered over to the pictures of Annabeth and I. There were a few that showed the Argo II crew, but without the ship. Man, I wished Hazel could have taken a picture of it before it got obliterated. But that's another story. I checked the time, it was already 7:35.

"Crap!" I thought.

As I rushed around to get dressed. I dashed downstairs, wolfed down my breakfast (How does my mom make blue eggs?), packed my bag, and got into Paul's car. I waved my mom goodbye as I left. I sighed and leaned back into my seat.

"Well, that was a rush!" I said.

"Tell me about it," Paul said calmly. "Honestly, Percy, when Annabeth isn't around I have no idea how you manage to get to class!" He said, a hint of sarcasm in his voice.

"Haha, Paul."

"No, I'm not kidding! At least you have Grover around to keep you in line!"

I rolled my eyes as we approached the entrance to Goode High. This was the first time I had stayed at one school for more than a year. I jumped out as soon as the car pulled to a stop. I entered and girls fluttered their eyelashes at me, trying to make me notice them. (Ugh. I've been dealing with them for the entire last year.) I walked to my locker and found Rhea waiting for me.

"Hi, Percy!" She said flirtatiously.

"Hello Rhea," I said, trying to ignore her.

"So, aren't you going to tell your girlfriend how your holidays were?" She asked innocently.

"Look, Rhea, you're not my girlfriend! I already have one, and she lives in California!" I said grumpily.

"Aw, look, we all know that you're just lying to avoid dating me." She said, batting her eyelashes. I groaned.

"For the last time, she's real! I've shown you pictures, now can you just leave me alone!" I said, grabbing my stuff and walking down the hallway.

I waved to my friends sitting on a bench. Grover was wearing his human clothes, and Alex, Mitch, and Stewart were all exchanging stories from their holidays.

"Ooh! Look who's returned, Mr. Popular!" Alex teased. "don't forget Bad-Boy-Supreme!" Mitch added, which just made him sadder, as it made him think of Leo.

"Stop," I warned, sitting down. Grover gave me a high-five. "what's up, G-man?" I asked.

"You know, the usual." He said, shrugging.

"I mean Juniper," I said softly.

"She's fine. I haven't spoken to her in a while, though. I've been busy at camp and all." He whispered worriedly.

Grover was one of my oldest and best friends. We had been through so much together and if he needed help, I would be there for him. I patted him on the back and looked around the courtyard. All the girls within a five-meter radius of me were giggling, and the dudes were shouting at each other. I was thinking about the whole war, and everything that happened to Annabeth and I. Heck, we had even gone to Tartarus and back together! I could tell Grover was zoning out, so I waved a hand in front of his face.

When that didn't work, I nudged my friends.

"Watch this!" I said, a goofy grin probably plastered on my face.

I turned to Grover. "Hey man, there are enchiladas at the cafeteria today," I said loudly.

He sat up, his eyes wide with excitement. "What? When?!" He asked, bewildered.

Grover stood up and was no doubt going to bolt to the cafeteria to check the menu when we all laughed.

"I was just messing with you." I said as he sat down.

Stewart cleared his throat. "Anyways, I got your schedule for you, Percy. Thought you might be late." Stewart said, smirking. I gave him a thankful look.

"You know me too well." I ditched the bench and walked into class, preparing for my long day. 

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