Chapter 6: Everybody loves Chakras

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"What? Is that even possible?" Korra asked the former Fire Lord. Zuko's suggestion was beyond ridiculous. Ever since Korra had her battle with Unalaq, and Raava was almost destroyed, her connection to her past lives had been severed. She'd never been able to reconnect. Because of this, she couldn't believe what Zuko was saying.

Of course, Zuko had no intention of joking, or lying. "I'm not saying it will be easy. Let me ask you something, Korra. Since you lost your connection to your past lives, have you been able to enter the Avatar State?"

Korra went to answer, but was interrupted by Bolin. "Are you kidding? Not long after that happened, she went full Avatar mode on some airbender named Zaheer. She was all BOOM CRASH it was so awesome!"

All 3 of his friends winced at that. It certainly wasn't awesome to any of them at the time. "Yes, multiple times." Korra said, to give Zuko a straight answer.

Zuko nodded. "And what is the Avatar State?" He asked the young Avatar.

"Um... well... I always assumed it was when my Avatar spirit took control." She explained. "Or rather, when I tapped into that energy source."

Zuko sighed at this response. It was what he expected, but that didn't make it right. "Yes, and no. The Avatar State is when you tap into all the experience and power of your past lives. If your connection with them was completely gone, you'd never be able to enter the Avatar State again."

Korra looked at him in awe. His wisdom, his knowledge, it was stunning. "I... Well, I don't know about that... I mean, either way, I haven't been able to talk to Aang or any of them. And believe me, I tried."

Zuko sipped his tea politely. "Indeed, I heard you the first time. I can't this. I've never been able to that. If all you do is complain, you'll never accomplish anything." He said, sternly. "You just need the right guide."

Korra's eyes widened at this. "Wait, you're offering to teach me?" She asked, excitedly.

Zuko chuckled a bit to himself. "Goodness, no." He said, shaking his head. He set his tea down and looked Korra in the eye. "I couldn't help you with this specifically, anymore than a rock could."

The team all sighed, looking between them. "What about Tenzin?" Asami asked. "I mean, he taught you a lot about being the Avatar."

Korra nodded to the raven-haired girl. "Yeah, that's a good place to start. We should head to the south pole then." She sighed as she stood. "Lord Zuko, do you want to come with us? Having Aang's friends nearby might be helpful."

Zuko stroked his white beard, thinking about this request. "Well, ordinarily I'd say no but... I do wish to see my friend, Katara, again. Very well. I can ride on Druk."

With a gasp, Bolin inched towards the firebender. "C...can I ride the dragon...?" Bolin begged.


"Mother, please." Tenzin let out. "I know it was a long time ago, but you must remember something."

The son and wife of Avatar Aang sat in Katara's hut, along with Lin. They had been speaking for awhile, catching up and such. "Oh Tenzin, my memory isn't what it once was. Their name, The White Sun, is familiar but it's not coming to my mind." Katara answered.

A deep, fiery roar was heard outside. "I'll check it out." Lin said, as she left the hut.

Tenzin rubbed the bridge of his nose. "Is there anyone who might remember?" He asked his mother, desperately.

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