Chapter 2: Turf War

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"Mako!" The stoic police officer turned to the sound of his name to see an angry Avatar, in a gorgeous dress, clearly based on Water Tribe fashion, marching toward him. The firebender was standing guard next to the stage, and wearing a formal version of his police uniform, while watching the crowd gather as they prepared for the ceremony. Next to him, on the red stage, was a small golden gate, closed off by a red ribbon. Behind the gate, was a large housing complex.

"What? I told you earlier I would be here! I'm perfectly fine. Kya's been helping me heal all day." He said, defensively. He knew Korra was just worried about him, but he wasn't going to miss his job, his duty, just because of an injury that's been healed.

"I believe Bolin made himself clear, Mako. You shouldn't be here. At all. You need to rest." The brunette Avatar argued, her fists clenched tight. 

Mako groaned and rolled his eyes. "Korra, I am not sitting on the sidelines. This is an important event and I will be here doing my job." He said, matter-of-factly.

Korra's eye twitched at his stubbornness, and she went to respond but was interrupted by her girlfriend, who was standing on the stage. "Thank you all for coming today!" Asami began. Korra gave Mako an angry look, as if she were telling him they would finish this later, and went over to the front of the crowd, so she had a great view of the gorgeous, black haired woman in the stunning red dress.

"Just over a year ago, this city was under siege by the Earth Empire, and their spirit weapon destroyed a large portion of the city." The CEO continued, as the crowd closed in to listen. Beside her were several seats for the President and Varrick, and for the various people in charge of the housing project.

"President Zhu-Li and I started this project together when we saw what was happening with the refugees. While we can never turn back time, and regain what we lost to the Earth Empire's attack, we can rebuild. We can endure. Today, we are proving that no matter what, Republic City will survive.

"I am very proud of all the work we've done. I want to thank those who put their blood, sweat, and tears into making these housing units for those who lost their homes in the attack. I want to thank the city, for helping us with this project, and helping build a train line from here to the inner city. I want to thank President Zhu-Li for supporting this. Most of all I want to thank Avatar Korra, for standing by me and supporting me and my efforts. I love you Korra." Asami looked down to Korra and locked eyes with the blushing Avatar as the crowd gave a unified "aww."

"So, without further ado, please give a big hand for the Avatar Korra Housing Complex!" Asami waved her hand back to the housing units, as President Zhu Li cut the ribbon, shaking Asami's hand as several cameras flashed and the crown burst into applause.


The ceremony had moved into the small new neighborhood, with music playing and food all around. People were dancing and eating and celebrating. Korra and Asami had danced for a bit before heading among the guests, since many of them wanted to talk to the leader of this project.

As they made their rounds, Korra kept looking over to Mako, who seemed to be just patrolling the area, not eating or dancing. Her eyes softened, and she turned back to Asami. "Hey babe, I'm going to go check on Mako." She said, pecking her cheek. Asami understood and gave Korra a nod, so the Avatar made her way over to the cop. "Fun party?"

Mako let out a deep sigh and looked to the approaching woman. "Korra, I really don't want to get into it with you, ok?" He said, harshly, and turning away from her.

With a soft look in her eye, Korra put a hand on Mako's shoulder. "We're just worried about you. We care about you. You know that, right?" She said, softly. Maybe she had been a bit too severe with him earlier, but she was scared. They almost lost him.

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