Chapter 3: The Search

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"How the hell did this happen?!" Lin screamed, pacing the President's office, as the rest of the group gave her space. Varrick was sitting in a chair, over in the corner, while Mako and Bolin leaned against the wall next to the door. Korra and Asami sat in chairs next to the desk, with the chief behind it.

Korra was fuming. Steam was almost visibly coming out her ears. "What are we doing here? We should be out looking for her!" She shouted, standing up to leave, but Asami grabbed her wrist.

"Babe, we need a plan. We can't just search around and hope we magically find her." Asami said, giving Korra her most sincere look.

Korra was angrier than she cared to admit. "Well we have to do something!" She yelled back, pulling her arm away. Asami quietly put her hand back in her lap, slowly, and looked down to the ground.

Lin looked among them and groaned loudly. "Alright, here's the plan. Mako, Asami, Korra, you need to talk to Jargala. See if she knows anything about the White Sun. Me and the police force will scour the streets. Bolin, I need you to go to Air Temple Island and speak to Tenzin. We're going to need all the help we can get." Lin commanded.

Korra turned to Asami as everyone began leaving for their missions, but Asami brushed passed her. "Come on, we have work to do." The raven-haired girl said, coldly, as she walked out the door. Korra's eyes dropped a bit, but she followed, a pit forming in her stomach as she realized what she just did.


Korra, Asami, and Mako approached a small building, and hid in the shadows. Korra looked over to her friends and nodded in understanding, then she lead the way to the door of the building. She slammed her foot against the door, air blasting against it and blowing it off its hinges. Mako came from behind Korra and blasted the 2 gang members in the first room with fire, sending them into the wall behind them.

The trio made there way deeper, they found a staircase, taking them down into a dark cave, with small lanterns to light the path. They went deeper down, occasionally blasting some gangster aside, until they reached the bottom. A scrawny man, dressed in simple robes, stood there, as if waiting for them.

"Lady Jargala is waiting for you." He said, and turned to lead them away. The 3 exchanged glances, but decided to follow. Along the way, several gangsters gave them menacing glares, but none stopped them, or even tried.

They eventually arrived in a fancy looking office, still underground, where a woman was sitting behind the desk. She waved her hand as she was working on some paperwork, and all the men in the room left, closing the door behind them.

"Please, sit." The woman requested, tapping her foot as 3 chairs, made of stone, formed from the ground in front of the desk.

Korra crossed her arms and glared at her. "You were expecting us?" She asked, raising an eyebrow at her, suspiciously.

Jargala chuckled and shook her head, not looking up from her paperwork. "Of course not, but we both know none of my men would be able to stop you, and if you were here to arrest me you'd have brought more people. So let's be civil." She said, setting the completed paperwork aside so she could focus on her guests.

The benders took their seats, and Asami elected to stand by the door. "We need your help." Mako finally admitted, sitting back in the chair and watching the woman carefully.

Jargala laughed a bit to herself. "Oh? And what can I do for the Avatar?" She asked, directing her gaze to Korra.

Korra held eye contact with her for a good few minutes, as the women sized each other up. Eventually, Korra broke the silence. "What do you know about the White Sun?"

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