Chapter 10: The Wedding

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The blue light of the water surrounding Air Temple Island, reflecting the moon onto the rows of chairs, made for a peaceful event. Naturally lit, with only a handful of torches lighting up the aisle, guests filtered in to their seats.

In the living room of Tenzin's home, Korra stood wearing a long dress, light blue tinted over a white, and with some of her hair done into a bun. Her dress had a flowing style down the front, looking almost like water. She looked to her mother, who couldn't stop herself from tearing up.

"Korra... you look absolutely amazing." She said, smiling wide and holding back as many tears as she could.

Korra blushed dark, but before she could respond, Jinora chimed in. "Yeah, like a princess in a fairy tale." She added.

"Thank you..." She said. As the Avatar, she'd had people complimenting various things she's done all her life but this felt different. Mostly, those compliments were fake and simple. Now... Now it felt more real.

Pema put her hand on Korra's shoulder, and gave her a warm smile. "Oh Korra... I'm so excited for you." She said.

Korra looked between the women in the room and gave them the warmest look she could. "Thank you, all of you." She repeated.

Senna took Korra's hands and gazed into her daughter's eyes. "Now, I know you might be nervous, but that's perfectly normal. All brides are nervous on their wedding day." She explained.

"Actually, I'm fine." Korra said. "I... I don't know what I feel, but it's not fear. I've felt that enough times in my life to know what it feels like."

"There's a difference." Kya, who had been watching from the side, cut in. "You've been afraid, yes, but not like this. Being afraid for your life, or the life of a friend, that's an instant fear. Facing marriage... that's something else."

Senna nodded in agreement. "Exactly. Even when I married your father, I was nervous. How could I not be? A life changing moment like this will always be nerve-racking. You just have to accept it."

With 2 knocks to the door, it slid open and Tonraq stepped into the room. "Is Dad allowed in the room?"

Korra nodded lightly. "Of course, though I thought you'd be dealing with the guests." She said.

He stepped in and closed the door behind him. "Oh I was, but Mako and Bolin are handling that now. Ladies... can I have the room with Korra?" He asked.

Senna leaned in to peck Korra's cheek before leading the women out. As they left, Korra gave her dad a confused smile. "So what's up?"

Tonraq took a deep breath and sat down before her. "I just need to say... I am so proud of the woman you've become." He said, holding back tears with all his strength.

Korra blushed lightly. "Dad, come on."

"No, Korra I'm serious. You... you do things I can't imagine and I'm not even talking about being the Avatar. You, Korra, are brave, wise, strong..." He began to fail at his attempts not to cry. "I can't think of someone more perfect for you than Asami."

Korra started to match Tonraq's state. "She... she makes me happy, Dad. I can't even begin to describe what she feels like to me."

The water tribe chieftain let a deep chuckle out. He stood and pulled her into a tight, desperate hug. He wasn't just hugging his daughter, he was hugging every part of her that he never wanted to lose. "I love you, little girl. I know you and Asami will have each other's backs."


Stringed music flowed across the audience like water. The sparkling red dress that Asami wore glistened in the torchlight, as she watched her beloved walking down the aisle, her father on her arm.

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